Transport Act 2000 Explanatory Notes

Sections 234 to 239: Closures

246.Sections 234 to 239 simplify the provisions in the 1993 Act relating to the closure of railway services, network, stations etc. In particular, the Rail Regulator’s functions in respect of major closures are transferred to the Secretary of State, so that when major closures are proposed these will be determined by the Secretary of State.

247.Section 235 places a new obligation on the Authority to publish any proposal for a major closure at stations in the area that would be affected by the closure, and on the Secretary of State similarly to publish closure decisions. Equivalent amendments are made to Schedule 5 of the 1993 Act in respect of services to which that Schedule applies, including services in Greater London.Section 236 gives a new power for conditions to be imposed on a minor closure. Section 237 widens the definition of minor closures (where less stringent procedures are required to be followed), so that it can include the track within stations and depots. Section 238 allows the Authority to make a general determination of a class or description that shall be considered minor closures, rather than having to determine each case separately. Where such a general determination is revoked this does not affect the validity of the status of a minor closure already determined by the general determination. The Authority is required to inform the Rail Regulator of a decision to allow a minor closure.

248.Section 239 makes it clear that where a non-franchised passenger service is to be closed, the operator must continue the service until closure. This will ensure that the burden of maintaining the service does not fall on the Authority.

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