Powers of Criminal Courts (Sentencing) Act 2000

Part IGeneral

Continuity of the law: general

1(1)The substitution of this Act for the provisions repealed by it shall not affect the continuity of the law.

(2)Any thing done (including subordinate legislation made), or having effect as if done, under or for the purposes of any provision repealed by this Act shall, if it could have been done under or for the purposes of the corresponding provision of this Act and if in force or effective immediately before the commencement of that corresponding provision, have effect thereafter as if done under or for the purposes of that corresponding provision.

(3)Any reference (express or implied) in this Act or any other enactment, instrument or document to a provision of this Act shall (so far as the context permits) be construed as including, as respects times, circumstances or purposes in relation to which the corresponding provision repealed by this Act had effect, a reference to that corresponding provision.

(4)Any reference (express or implied) in any enactment, instrument or document to a provision repealed by this Act shall (so far as the context permits) be construed, as respects times, circumstances and purposes in relation to which the corresponding provision of this Act has effect, as being or (according to the context) including a reference to the corresponding provision of this Act.

(5)Sub-paragraphs (1) to (4) above have effect instead of section 17(2) of the [1978 c. 30.] Interpretation Act 1978 (but are without prejudice to any other provision of that Act).

General saving for old transitional provisions and savings

2(1)The repeal by this Act of a transitional provision or saving relating to the coming into force of a provision reproduced in this Act does not affect the operation of the transitional provision or saving, in so far as it is not specifically reproduced in this Act but remains capable of having effect in relation to the corresponding provision of this Act.

(2)The repeal by this Act of an enactment previously repealed subject to savings does not affect the continued operation of those savings.

(3)The repeal by this Act of a saving on the previous repeal of an enactment does not affect the operation of the saving in so far as it is not specifically reproduced in this Act but remains capable of having effect.

(4)Where the purpose of an enactment repealed by this Act was to secure that the substitution of the provisions of the Act containing that enactment for provisions repealed by that Act did not affect the continuity of the law, the enactment repealed by this Act continues to have effect in so far as it is capable of doing so.

Use of existing forms etc.

3Any reference to an enactment repealed by this Act which is contained in a document made, served or issued after the commencement of that repeal shall be construed, except so far as a contrary intention appears, as a reference or (as the context may require) as including a reference to the corresponding provision of this Act.