
Part VIOfficial Listing


75Applications for listing

(1)Admission to the official list may be granted only on an application made to the competent authority in such manner as may be required by listing rules.

(2)No application for listing may be entertained by the competent authority unless it is made by, or with the consent of, the issuer of the securities concerned.

(3)No application for listing may be entertained by the competent authority in respect of securities which are to be issued by a body of a prescribed kind.

(4)The competent authority may not grant an application for listing unless it is satisfied that—

(a)the requirements of listing rules (so far as they apply to the application), and

(b)any other requirements imposed by the authority in relation to the application,

are complied with.

(5)An application for listing may be refused if, for a reason relating to the issuer, the competent authority considers that granting it would be detrimental to the interests of investors.

(6)An application for listing securities which are already officially listed in another EEA State may be refused if the issuer has failed to comply with any obligations to which he is subject as a result of that listing.