Part VI Official Listing
87HProspectus approved in another EEA State
A prospectus approved by the competent authority of an EEA State other than the United Kingdom is not an approved prospectus for the purposes of section 85 unless that authority has provided the competent authority with—
a certificate of approval;
a copy of the prospectus as approved; and
if requested by the competent authority, a translation of the summary of the prospectus.
A document is not a certificate of approval unless it states that the prospectus—
has been drawn up in accordance with the prospectus directive; and
has been approved, in accordance with that directive, by the competent authority providing the certificate.
A document is not a certificate of approval unless it states whether (and, if so, why) the competent authority providing it authorised, in accordance with the prospectus directive, the omission from the prospectus of information which would otherwise have been required to be included.
“Prospectus” includes a supplementary prospectus.