Explanatory Notes

Capital Allowances Act 2001

2001 CHAPTER 2

22nd March 2001

Commentary on Sections


Part 3: Industrial buildings allowances
Chapter 5: Initial Allowances
Section 307: Building not industrial building when it comes to be used etc.

1047.This section is based on sections 1(6), 10(1)(a) and 10A(2)(a) of CAA 1990. It denies or withdraws initial allowances if a building is not an industrial building when first used.

1048.The need to withdraw allowances arises because section 305 gives entitlement to an initial allowance for a building which “is to be” an industrial building. This means that an initial allowance may be made on the basis of intentions that are not fulfilled.

1049.There is a minor change. Subsection (4) applies for both subsection (2) and (3) in this section. In CAA 1990 the equivalent (section 1(6)) applies only for cases within subsection (2) of this section. Cases within subsection (3) would be dealt with under the more general provisions in TMA 1970. See Change 37 in Annex 1.