Capital Allowances Act 2001 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections


Part 3: Industrial buildings allowances
Chapter 7: Balancing adjustments
Section 318: Building an industrial building etc. throughout

1089.This section is based on section 4(3) and (4) of CAA 1990. It calculates the balancing adjustment if a building has been an industrial building throughout the relevant period of ownership. “The relevant period of ownership” is defined in section 321.

1090.Subsection (2) provides a balancing allowance if there are no proceeds from the balancing event or the proceeds are less than the residue of qualifying expenditure before that event. “The residue of qualifying expenditure” is defined in section 313. Subsection (3) gives the amount of the balancing allowance.

1091.Subsection (4) provides a balancing charge if the proceeds from the balancing event are greater than the residue of qualifying expenditure before that event. Subsection (5) gives the amount.

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