Capital Allowances Act 2001 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections


Part 3: Industrial buildings allowances
Chapter 7: Balancing adjustments
Section 322: Starting expenditure

1098.This section is based on part of section 4(9) of CAA 1990. It defines “starting expenditure” for the purposes of Chapter 7.

1099.Subsection (2) makes the starting expenditure equal to qualifying expenditure if the person on whom the balancing adjustment is made is the same person who incurred the qualifying expenditure.

1100.Subsection (3) provides that in cases not covered by subsection (2) above the starting expenditure will be the residue of qualifying expenditure at the beginning of the relevant period of ownership. “The residue of qualifying expenditure” is defined in section 313. “The relevant period of ownership” is defined in section 321.

1101.Subsection (4) is concerned with cases which fall within section 340. These are cases involving the demolition of a building if the person in respect of whom the balancing adjustment is made also incurs demolition costs. Under this subsection the starting expenditure is increased by “the net cost of the demolition” which is defined in section 340(3).

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