Employment Act 2002 Explanatory Notes

80I Remedies

140.This new section outlines what will happen if an employment tribunal finds a complaint under section 80H well founded.

  • Subsection (1) provides that if a tribunal finds that a complaint is well founded, the tribunal will have the power to order an employer to reconsider a request. It also gives a tribunal the power to consider whether an award of compensation should be made to the employee in such circumstances.

  • Subsection (2) enables the tribunal to make the award of compensation at a level they feel to be just and equitable given the specific circumstances of the case. In deciding the amount, the tribunal will take into account the behaviour of the employer (e.g. whether they have lied) and of the employee (e.g. their willingness to consider acceptable alternatives).

  • Subsection (3), however, limits any compensation award to a maximum to be specified in regulations. There will be consultation on regulations to specify how many weeks pay should be the maximum.

141.Schedule 7 provides for amendments to other legislation which are consequential on the amendments made by section 47. These include an amendment to the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act (Consolidation) 1992 to allow disputes over flexible working to be settled under the ACAS arbitration scheme and to the Employment Rights Act 1996 to exclude the Armed Forces from these provisions.

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