Section 41: Accreditation under community safety accreditation schemes
243.Subsection (1) specifies that this section applies only where a chief officer has made arrangements with an employer to carry out community safety functions as part of a community safety accreditation scheme. Subsections (2) and (3) of the section enable the chief officer to accredit any employee of an employer who has entered into arrangements for the purposes of a community safety accreditation scheme, on receipt of an application, with any of the powers listed in Schedule 5.
244.Subsection (4) lists preconditions for the accreditation of any person. The chief officer must be satisfied that the employer is suitable to supervise a person who has such an accreditation, and that the accredited person is suitable to exercise the specified powers and duties, is capable of carrying out the relevant functions and has been adequately trained.
245.Subsection (5) enables a chief officer to charge a fee he considers appropriate for consideration of an application for accreditation or the renewal of accreditation, and for the granting of an accreditation.
246.Subsection (6) clarifies that accreditation cannot authorise or require conduct beyond the specified functions and that a designation may contain restrictions and conditions. For example, the accreditation may limit the extension of powers to a particular geographical area such as a particular area that is known to suffer from anti-social behaviour.
247.Subsection (7) enables the chief officer to determine a fixed period for the accreditation, which must be specified in the accreditation. The accreditation may be renewed at any time. However, it can be withdrawn or cease. Subsection (8) requires the accreditation to cease if the accredited person stops working for the employer who made arrangements with the chief officer to provide community safety functions under a community safety accreditation scheme or if the arrangements come to an end.