Sections 99, 100 and 101: The land registry; Conduct of business; and Annual report
164.Except as to judicial matters (dealt with under Part 11), the administrative structure and business of the Land Registry are not changed in any very material respect by the provisions of the Act. Section 99 provides for the continuation of the Registry with the Chief Land Registrar, appointed by the Lord Chancellor, at its head. As now, the registrar is supported by staff who may be authorised to carry out any of his functions. The Lord Chancellor can, as now, make regulations to cover the situation when a vacancy arises in the office of Chief Land Registrar and can make an order specifying which office deals with particular applications. A district registries order may specify the office to be used either on the basis of the geographical location of the land affected, as now, or on the basis of application type, enabling special expertise to be built up, or applications relating to a single, very large development to be handled more effectively. The registrar may prepare and issue forms and directions to facilitate the land registration process, a power which he has exercised from time to time under the current system. The registrar must also produce an annual report on the business of the Land Registry to the Lord Chancellor. That report must be published and laid before Parliament. Section 99 incorporates the provisions in Schedule 7.