Part 2Licensing authorities

Functions of licensing authorities etc.

8Requirement to keep a register


Each licensing authority must keep a register containing—


a record of each premises licence, club premises certificate and personal licence issued by it,


a record of each temporary event notice received by it,


the matters mentioned in Schedule 3, and


such other information as may be prescribed.


Regulations may require a register kept under this section to be in a prescribed form and kept in a prescribed manner.


Each licensing authority must provide facilities for making the information contained in the entries in its register available for inspection (in a legible form) by any person during office hours and without payment.


If requested to do so by any person, a licensing authority must supply him with a copy of the information contained in any entry in its register in legible form.


A licensing authority may charge such reasonable fee as it may determine in respect of any copy supplied under subsection (4).


The Secretary of State may arrange for the duties conferred on licensing authorities by this section to be discharged by means of one or more central registers kept by a person appointed pursuant to the arrangements.


The Secretary of State may require licensing authorities to participate in and contribute towards the cost of any arrangements made under subsection (6).