Northern Ireland (Monitoring Commission etc.) Act 2003 Explanatory Notes

Section 9: Censure resolutions

45.This section inserts new section 51D into the 1998 Act, attaching procedural safeguards to the passing of censure resolutions in the Assembly.

46.New section 51D(1) describes two types of censure resolution. First, a resolution censuring a Minister or junior Minister because either of the limbs of the test set out at paragraph 1616 above is not met (new section 51D(1)(a)). Second, a resolution censuring a political party because either of the limbs of the test set out at paragraph 1919 above is not met (new section 51D(1)(b)).

47.New section 51D(2) and (5) provide that such a censure resolution may be moved, and passed, only if the same procedural safeguards as apply in the case of an exclusion resolution are satisfied (see paragraph 1515 above).

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