Explanatory Notes

Water Act 2003

2003 CHAPTER 37

20th November 2003

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: New Regulatory Arrangements, Etc

Sections 51 to 52 Miscellaneous
184. .Section 51: Reasons for decisions.

This section adds new section 195A to the WIA. This section requires the Authority, the Secretary of State and the Assembly to give reasons for key decisions that each of them take.

185.Where the obligation bites, the relevant authority is required by subsection (2) in new section 195A to produce a notice giving the reasons for its decision and to publish the notice in a manner that it considers appropriate for bringing it to the attention of those likely to be affected by the decision and/or interested in the reasons contained in the notice. Subsection (3) in new section 195A requires that a copy of the notice should be sent to any statutory undertaker or licensed water supplier directly affected by the decision.

186.Subsections (4) and (5) in new section 195A restrict the application of this section in certain circumstances.