Territorial Application: Wales
Extradition to Category 1 Territories
Section 18: Earlier extradition to United Kingdom from category 1 territory
Section 19: Earlier extradition to United Kingdom from non-category 1 territory
Section 30: Detention pending conclusion of appeal under section 28
Section 31: Appeal to High Court: time limit for start of hearing
Section 33: Powers of House of Lords on appeal under section 32
Section 37: Undertaking in relation to person serving sentence in United Kingdom
Section 38: Extradition following deferral for competing claim
Section 42: Withdrawal of warrant while appeal to High Court pending
Section 43: Withdrawal of warrant while appeal to House of Lords pending
Section 47: Extradition to category 1 territory following consent
Section 49: Other warrant issued: extradition to category 1 territory
Section 52: Undertaking in relation to person serving sentence
Section 53: Extradition following deferral for competing claim
Section 54: Request for consent to other offence being dealt with
Section 56: Request for consent to further extradition to category 1 territory
Section 58: Consent to further extradition to category 2 territory
Section 63: Persons serving sentences outside territory where convicted
Section 64: Extradition offences: person not sentenced for offence
Section 65: Extradition offences: person sentenced for offence
Extradition to Category 2 Territories
Section 75: Date of extradition hearing: arrest under section 71
Section 76: Date of extradition hearing: arrest under provisional warrant
Section 96: Earlier extradition to United Kingdom from other territory
Section 97: Deferral: person charged with offence in United Kingdom
Section 98: Deferral: person serving sentence in United Kingdom
Section 99: Time limit for order for extradition or discharge
Section 105: Appeal against discharge at extradition hearing
Section 107: Detention pending conclusion of appeal under section 105
Section 112: Detention pending conclusion of appeal under section 110
Section 113: Appeal to High Court: time limit for start of hearing
Section 115: Powers of House of Lords on appeal under section 114
Section 119: Undertaking in relation to person serving sentence in United Kingdom
Section 120: Extradition following deferral for competing claim
Section 122: Withdrawal of request before end of extradition hearing
Section 123: Withdrawal of request after case sent to Secretary of State
Section 124: Withdrawal of request while appeal to High Court pending
Section 125: Withdrawal of request while appeal to House of Lords pending
Section 128: Consent to extradition before case sent to Secretary of State
Section 130: Consent to further extradition to category 2 territory
Section 131: Consent to further extradition to category 1 territory
Section 132: Return of person to serve remainder of sentence
Section 136: Persons serving sentences outside territory where convicted
Section 137: Extradition offences: person not sentenced for offence
Section 138: Extradition offences: person sentenced for offence
Extradition to the United Kingdom
Section 143: Undertaking in relation to person serving sentence
Section 144: Return to extraditing territory to serve sentence
Section 145: Service of sentence in territory executing Part 3 warrant
Section 147: Effect of consent to extradition to the United Kingdom
Section 150: Dealing with person for other offences: Commonwealth countries
Section 151: Dealing with person for other offences: other category 2 territories
Section 154: Restrictions on bail where undertaking given by Secretary of State
Miscellaneous and General Provisions
Section 182: Legal advice, assistance and representation: England and Wales
Section 190: Crown Prosecution Service: role in extradition proceedings
Section 192: Northern Ireland DPP and Crown Solicitor: role in extradition proceedings
Section 196: Genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes
Section 204: Part 1 warrant: transmission by other electronic means
Section 213: Disposal of Part 1 warrant and extradition request