Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 Explanatory Notes


Section 26: Information

48.This section applies a power equivalent to section 230 of the Local Government Act 1972 to all fire and rescue authorities and not just those to which section 230 applies. The power could, for example, be used for collecting incident by incident information on primary fires (those involving property, rescues, casualties or fatalities), the number and location of fires and the number of fire-related casualties and fatalities. This information is in fact already collected from fire and rescue authorities, as is information on false alarms, attendance at road traffic accidents and information on staffing levels. This section formalises the requirement to supply such information.

Section 27: Inquiries

49.Section 27 re-enacts in an amended form section 33 of the Fire Services Act 1947. The Secretary of State will be able to hold an inquiry into the performance of a fire and rescue authority or its handling of a particular incident.

Section 28: Inspectors

50.This section re-enacts the power in the Fire Services Act 1947 that determines the arrangements for appointing inspectors of the Fire and Rescue Service.

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