Human Tissue Act 2004 Explanatory Notes

Section 30: Possession of anatomical specimens away from licensed premises

46.This section and the following one transpose provisions of the Anatomy Act 1984 relating to control of possession of anatomical specimens. This section makes it an offence to keep anatomical specimens away from licensed premises. Exceptions are provided for possession authorised by a designated individual for authorised purposes, for persons in lawful possession of bodies immediately after death and for possession for the purpose of transport to licensed premises or premises where the specimen is to be used for the purpose of education, training or research. These exceptions are intended, for example, to allow an anatomy teacher to take a specimen away from a dissecting room to a lecture theatre for teaching purposes, and to allow undertakers to deliver bodies to the medical school. An exception is also provided where the person has possession for the purposes of functions of or under the authority of a coroner.

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