Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Part 1 The Serious Organised Crime Agency

    1. Chapter 1 SOCA: establishment and activities

      1. Establishment of SOCA

        1. 1.Establishment of Serious Organised Crime Agency

      2. Functions

        1. 2.Functions of SOCA as to serious organised crime

        2. 2A. Functions of SOCA as to the recovery of assets

        3. 3.Functions of SOCA as to information relating to crime

        4. 4.Exercise of functions: general considerations

      3. General powers

        1. 5.SOCA's general powers

      4. Annual plans and reports

        1. 6.Annual plans

        2. 7.Annual reports

      5. Central supervision and direction

        1. 8.General duty of Secretary of State and Scottish Ministers

        2. 8A.General duty of the Department of Justice in Northern Ireland

        3. 9.Strategic priorities

        4. 10.Codes of practice

        5. 11.Reports to Secretary of State

        6. 12.Power to direct submission of action plan

        7. 13.Revision of inadequate action plan

        8. 14.Procedure for giving directions under section 12

        9. 15.Reports relating to directions under section 12

        10. 16.Inspections

      6. Financial provisions

        1. 17.Grants by Secretary of State

        2. 18.Determinations relating to grants under section 17

        3. 19.Charges by SOCA and other receipts

        4. 20.Accounts

      7. Operational matters

        1. 21.Operational responsibility of Director General

        2. 22.Activities in Scotland in relation to crime

        3. 23.Mutual assistance between SOCA and law enforcement agencies: voluntary arrangements

        4. 24.Mutual assistance between SOCA and law enforcement agencies: directed arrangements

        5. 25.Directed arrangements: Scotland

        6. 25A.Directed arrangements: Northern Ireland

        7. 26.Use by SOCA of police premises etc.

        8. 27.Regulations as to equipment

      8. Liability for unlawful conduct

        1. 28.Liability of SOCA for acts of seconded staff etc.

        2. 29.Payment by SOCA of amounts in connection with unlawful conduct of employees etc.

        3. 30.Application of sections 28 and 29 to members of joint investigation teams

        4. 31.Liability of special police forces and law enforcement agencies for unlawful conduct of SOCA staff

      9. Use and disclosure of information

        1. 32.Use of information by SOCA

        2. 33.Disclosure of information by SOCA

        3. 34.Disclosure of information to SOCA

        4. 35.Restrictions on further disclosure

      10. General duties of police etc.

        1. 36.General duty of police to pass information to SOCA

        2. 37.General duty of police etc. to assist SOCA

      11. Prosecutions

        1. 38.Prosecution of offences investigated by SOCA

        2. 39.Directions as to reference of cases and proceedings to appropriate prosecutor

        3. 40.Functions of Director of Revenue and Customs Prosecutions as to persons arrested for designated offence

      12. Miscellaneous and supplementary

        1. 41.Directions

        2. 42.Interpretation of Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2 SOCA: special powers of designated staff

      1. Designations

        1. 43.Designation of SOCA staff as persons having powers of constable etc.

        2. 44.Delegation of power to designate

        3. 45.Modification or withdrawal of designations

      2. Powers exercisable

        1. 46.Person having powers of a constable

        2. 47.Person having powers of constable: Scotland and Northern Ireland

        3. 48.Person having customs powers

        4. 49.Person having powers of an immigration officer

      3. Exercise of powers

        1. 50.Designations: supplementary

        2. 51.Assaults, obstruction or deception in connection with designations

      4. Supplementary

        1. 52.Modification of enactments

        2. 53.Employment provisions

        3. 54.Interpretation of Chapter 2

    3. Chapter 3 SOCA: Miscellaneous and supplementary

      1. Complaints and misconduct

        1. 55.Complaints and misconduct

      2. Application of discrimination legislation

        1. 56.Application of discrimination legislation to SOCA seconded staff

      3. Joint investigation teams

        1. 57.Assaults or obstruction in connection with joint investigation teams

      4. Transfers

        1. 58.Transfers to SOCA

      5. Amendments

        1. 59.Minor and consequential amendments relating to SOCA

  3. Part 2 Investigations, prosecutions, proceedings and proceeds of crime

    1. Chapter 1 Investigatory powers of DPP, etc.

      1. Introductory

        1. 60.Investigatory powers of DPP etc.

        2. 61.Offences to which this Chapter applies

      2. Disclosure notices

        1. 62.Disclosure notices

        2. 63.Production of documents

        3. 64.Restrictions on requiring information etc.

        4. 65.Restrictions on use of statements

      3. Enforcement

        1. 66.Power to enter and seize documents

        2. 67.Offences in connection with disclosure notices or search warrants

      4. Supplementary

        1. 68.Procedure applicable to search warrants

        2. 69.Manner in which disclosure notice may be given

        3. 70.Interpretation of Chapter 1

    2. Chapter 2 Offenders assisting investigations and prosecutions

      1. 71.Assistance by offender: immunity from prosecution

      2. 72.Assistance by offender: undertakings as to use of evidence

      3. 73.Assistance by defendant: reduction in sentence

      4. 74.Assistance by defendant: review of sentence

      5. 75.Proceedings under section 74: exclusion of public

      6. 75A.Proceedings under section 74: use of live link

      7. 75B.Guidance about use of powers under sections 71 to 74

    3. Chapter 3 Financial reporting orders

      1. 76.Financial reporting orders: making

      2. 77.Financial reporting orders: making in Scotland

      3. 78.Financial reporting orders: making in Northern Ireland

      4. 79.Financial reporting orders: effect

      5. 80.Financial reporting orders: variation and revocation

      6. 81.Financial reporting orders: verification and disclosure

    4. Chapter 4 Protection of witnesses and other persons

      1. 82.Protection arrangements for persons at risk

      2. 83.Joint arrangements

      3. 84.Transfer of responsibility to other protection provider

      4. 85.Duty to assist protection providers

      5. 86.Offence of disclosing information about protection arrangements

      6. 87.Defences to liability under section 86

      7. 88.Offences of disclosing information relating to persons assuming new identity

      8. 89.Defences to liability under section 88

      9. 90.Protection from liability

      10. 91.Transitional provision

      11. 92.Transitional provision: supplemental

      12. 93.Provision of information

      13. 94.Interpretation of Chapter 4

    5. Chapter 5 International obligations

      1. 95.Enforcement of overseas forfeiture orders

      2. 96.Mutual assistance in freezing property or evidence

    6. Chapter 6 Proceeds of crime

      1. 97.Confiscation orders by magistrates' courts

      2. 98.Civil recovery: freezing orders

      3. 99.Civil recovery: interim receivers' expenses etc.

      4. 100.Detention of seized cash: meaning of “48 hours”

      5. 101.Appeal in proceedings for forfeiture of cash

      6. 102.Money laundering: defence where overseas conduct is legal under local law

      7. 103.Money laundering: threshold amounts

      8. 104.Money laundering: disclosures to identify persons and property

      9. 105.Money laundering: form and manner of disclosures

      10. 106.Money laundering: miscellaneous amendments

      11. 107.Money laundering offences

      12. 108.International co-operation

      13. 109.Minor and consequential amendments relating to Chapter 6

  4. Part 3 Police powers etc.

    1. Powers of arrest

      1. 110.Powers of arrest

      2. 111.Powers of arrest: supplementary

    2. Exclusion zones

      1. 112.Power to direct a person to leave a place

    3. Search warrants

      1. 113.Search warrants: premises

      2. 114.Search warrants: other amendments

    4. Fireworks

      1. 115.Power to stop and search for prohibited fireworks

    5. Photographing of suspects etc.

      1. 116.Photographing of suspects etc.

    6. Fingerprints and footwear impressions

      1. 117.Fingerprints

      2. 118.Impressions of footwear

    7. Intimate samples

      1. 119.Intimate samples

    8. Custody officers

      1. 120.Staff custody officers: designation

      2. 121.Custody officers: amendments to PACE

    9. Designated and accredited persons

      1. 122.Powers of designated and accredited persons

    10. Provision of information for use by police staff

      1. 123.Provision of information for use by police staff

    11. Interpretation of Part 3

      1. 124.Interpretation of Part 3

  5. Part 4 Public order and conduct in public places etc.

    1. Harassment

      1. 125.Harassment intended to deter lawful activities

      2. 126.Harassment etc. of a person in his home

      3. 127.Harassment etc: police direction to stay away from person's home

    2. Trespass on designated site

      1. 128.Offence of trespassing on designated site

      2. 129.Corresponding Scottish offence

      3. 130.Designated sites: powers of arrest

      4. 131.Designated sites: access

    3. Demonstrations in vicinity of Parliament

      1. 132.Demonstrating without authorisation in designated area

      2. 133.Notice of demonstrations in designated area

      3. 134.Authorisation of demonstrations in designated area

      4. 135.Supplementary directions

      5. 136.Offences under sections 132 to 135: penalties

      6. 137.Loudspeakers in designated area

      7. 138.The designated area

    4. Anti-social behaviour

      1. 139.Orders about anti-social behaviour etc.

      2. 140.Variation and discharge of anti-social behaviour orders made on conviction

      3. 141.Anti-social behaviour orders etc: reporting restrictions

      4. 142.Contracting out of local authority functions relating to anti-social behaviour orders

      5. 143.Special measures for witnesses in proceedings for anti-social behaviour orders etc.

    5. Parental compensation orders

      1. 144.Parental compensation orders

  6. Part 5 Miscellaneous

    1. Protection of activities of certain organisations

      1. 145.Interference with contractual relationships so as to harm animal research organisation

      2. 146.Intimidation of persons connected with animal research organisation

      3. 147.Penalty for offences under sections 145 and 146

      4. 148.Animal research organisations

      5. 149.Extension of sections 145 to 147

    2. Vehicle registration and insurance and road traffic offences

      1. 150.Offence in respect of incorrectly registered vehicles

      2. 151.Power of constables etc. to require production of registration documents in respect of a vehicle

      3. 152.Power to seize etc. vehicles driven without licence or insurance

      4. 153.Disclosure of information about insurance status of vehicles

      5. 154.Power to require specimens of breath at roadside or at hospital etc.

      6. 155.Payments by Secretary of State to local policing body in relation to the prevention, detection and enforcement of certain traffic offences

      7. 156.Payments by Scottish Ministers to Scottish Police Authority in relation to the prevention, detection and enforcement of certain traffic offences

    3. Local policing information

      1. 157.Publication of local policing information

    4. Other miscellaneous police matters

      1. 158.Responsibilities in relation to the health and safety etc. of police

      2. 159.Investigations: accelerated procedure in special cases

      3. 160.Investigations: deaths and serious injuries during or after contact with the police

    5. Royal Parks etc.

      1. 161.Abolition of Royal Parks Constabulary

      2. 162.Regulation of specified parks

    6. Criminal record checks

      1. 163.Criminal record certificates

      2. 164.Criminal records checks: verification of identity

      3. 165.Certain references to police forces

      4. 166.Further amendments to Police Act 1997 as it applies to Scotland

      5. 167.Part 5 of the Police Act 1997: Northern Ireland

      6. 168.Part 5 of the Police Act 1997: Channel Islands and Isle of Man

    7. Witness summonses

      1. 169.Powers of Crown Court and Magistrates' Court to issue witness summons

      2. 170.Powers of courts-martial etc. to issue warrants of arrest in respect of witnesses

    8. Private Security Industry Act 2001: Scotland

      1. 171.Private Security Industry Act 2001: Scottish extent

  7. Part 6 Final provisions

    1. 172.Orders and regulations

    2. 173.Supplementary, incidental, consequential etc. provision

    3. 174.Minor and consequential amendments, repeals and revocations

    4. 175.Penalties for offences: transitional modification for England and Wales

    5. 176.Expenses

    6. 177.Interpretation

    7. 178.Commencement

    8. 179.Short title and extent


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      The Serious Organised Crime Agency

      1. Part 1 The Board of SOCA

        1. Membership

          1. 1.(1) SOCA shall consist of— (a) a chairman,

        2. Tenure of office: chairman and ordinary members

          1. 2.The chairman and the ordinary members shall hold and vacate...

          2. 3.(1) An appointment of a person to hold office as...

          3. 4.The Secretary of State may by notice in writing remove...

          4. 5.A person who ceases to be the chairman or an...

        3. Remuneration, pensions etc. of chairman and ordinary members

          1. 6.(1) SOCA shall pay to the chairman and each of...

        4. Termination of office of ex-officio members

          1. 7.(1) The Director General ceases to be an ex-officio member...

      2. Part 2 Director General and other staff

        1. SOCA's staff

          1. 8.(1) SOCA shall have— (a) a Director General (see paragraph...

        2. The Director General

          1. 9.(1) The Director General shall be— (a) appointed by the...

        3. Termination or suspension of appointment of Director General

          1. 10.(1) The Secretary of State may call on the Director...

        4. Delegation of functions of Director General

          1. 11.(1) Anything authorised or required to be done by the...

        5. Remuneration and pensions of staff

          1. 12.(1) SOCA shall pay to its employees such remuneration and...

          2. 13.(1) SOCA may pay, or make payments in respect of,...

        6. Insurance

          1. 14.The Employers' Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Act 1969 (c. 57) does...

      3. Part 3 Committees, procedure etc.

        1. Committees

          1. 15.(1) SOCA may establish committees. (2) Any committee so established...

        2. Delegation to committees and staff

          1. 16.(1) SOCA may, to such extent as it may determine,...

        3. Proceedings

          1. 17.(1) Subject to the following provisions of this paragraph, SOCA...

          2. 18.(1) The validity of any proceedings of SOCA, or any...

        4. Evidence

          1. 19.Any document purporting to be signed on behalf of SOCA...

      4. Part 4 General

        1. Status

          1. 20.(1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (2) to (4), SOCA is not...

        2. Incidental powers

          1. 21.(1) In connection with exercising its functions SOCA may (subject...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Functions of Independent Police Complaints Commission in relation to SOCA

      1. 1.The Police Reform Act 2002 (c. 30) has effect subject...

      2. 2.In section 9(3) (persons ineligible for appointment as members of...

      3. 3.(1) Section 10 (general functions of the Commission) is amended...

      4. 4.(1) Section 11 (reports) is amended as follows.

      5. 5.(1) Section 15 (general duties of police authorities etc.) is...

      6. 6.In section 16 (payment for assistance with investigations), for subsections...

      7. 7.Omit section 25 (NCIS and NCS).

      8. 8.After section 26 insert— Serious Organised Crime Agency (1) The Commission and the Serious Organised Crime Agency must...

      9. 9.In section 29(3) (interpretation)— (a) for paragraph (b) substitute—

      10. 10.In section 108(7) (extent etc.), omit paragraph (e).

      11. 11.(1) Schedule 3 (handling of complaints and conduct matters) is...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Transfers to SOCA

      1. Interpretation

        1. 1.In this Schedule— “the 1967 Act” means the Police (Scotland)...

      2. Staff

        1. 2.(1) A transfer scheme may provide for a person who—...

        2. 3.A transfer scheme may provide— (a) for relevant service within...

        3. 4.(1) A transfer scheme may provide— (a) for the secondment...

        4. 5.(1) A transfer scheme may provide— (a) for the transfer...

        5. 6.(1) A transfer scheme may provide for a person who—...

        6. 7.(1) A transfer scheme may provide for the termination of...

      3. Property, rights and liabilities etc.

        1. 8.(1) A transfer scheme may provide for the transfer to...

        2. 9.A transfer scheme may provide for SOCA to make any...

      4. Supplementary

        1. 10.(1) A transfer scheme may contain— (a) further provision in...

        2. 11.(1) Before making a transfer scheme which contains any provision...

      5. Power to make regulations

        1. 12.The Secretary of State may by regulations make—

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Minor and consequential amendments relating to SOCA

      1. Explosives Act 1875 (c. 17)

        1. 1.(1) Section 75 of the Explosives Act 1875 is amended...

      2. Police (Property) Act 1897 (c. 30)

        1. 2.(1) Section 2A of the Police (Property) Act 1897 (application...

      3. Army Act 1955 (3 & 4 Eliz. 2 c. 18)

        1. 3.In section 83BC(2) of the Army Act 1955 (police forces...

      4. Air Force Act 1955 (3 & 4 Eliz. 2 c. 19)

        1. 4.In section 83BC(2) of the Air Force Act 1955 (police...

      5. Naval Discipline Act 1957 (c. 53)

        1. 5.In section 52IJ(2) of the Naval Discipline Act 1957 (police...

      6. Public Records Act 1958 (c. 51)

        1. 6.In Schedule 1 to the Public Records Act 1958 (definition...

      7. Trustee Investments Act 1961 (c. 62)

        1. 7.The Trustee Investments Act 1961 has effect subject to the...

        2. 8.In section 11(4) (local authority investment schemes)—

        3. 9.In Part 2 of Schedule 1 (narrower-range investments requiring advice)...

      8. Offices, Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963 (c. 41)

        1. 10.In section 90(4) of the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises...

      9. Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 (c. 13)

        1. 11.In Schedule 2 to the Parliamentary Commissioner Act 1967 (departments...

      10. Police (Scotland) Act 1967 (c. 77)

        1. 12.The Police (Scotland) Act 1967 has effect subject to the...

        2. 13.In section 33 (inspectors of constabulary), in subsections (3) and...

        3. 14.(1) Section 38A (constables engaged on service outside their force)...

        4. 15.In section 39(4) (liability for wrongful acts of constables) for...

        5. 16.In section 41(4)(a) (assaults on constables) omit “or by a...

      11. Leasehold Reform Act 1967 (c. 88)

        1. 17.In section 28(5) of the Leasehold Reform Act 1967 (bodies...

      12. Firearms Act 1968 (c. 27)

        1. 18.In section 54(3)(c) of the Firearms Act 1968 (application of...

      13. Employment Agencies Act 1973 (c. 35)

        1. 19.In section 13(7) of the Employment Agencies Act 1973 (interpretation),...

      14. Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 (c. 37)

        1. 20.In section 51A(2) of the Health and Safety at Work...

      15. District Courts (Scotland) Act 1975 (c. 20)

        1. 21.In section 12(1) of the District Courts (Scotland) Act 1975...

      16. House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 (c. 24)

        1. 22.The House of Commons Disqualification Act 1975 has effect subject...

        2. 23.In section 1(1) (disqualification for membership of House of Commons)...

        3. 24.(1) Schedule 1 (disqualifying offices) is amended as follows.

      17. Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975 (c. 25)

        1. 25.The Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975 has effect subject...

        2. 26.In section 1(1) (disqualification for membership of Assembly) omit paragraph...

        3. 27.(1) Schedule 1 (disqualifying offices) is amended as follows.

      18. Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (c. 65)

        1. 28.In section 17 of the Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (police),...

      19. Police Pensions Act 1976 (c. 35)

        1. 29.The Police Pensions Act 1976 has effect subject to the...

        2. 30.In section 7(2) (payment of pensions and contributions), at the...

        3. 31.(1) Section 11 (interpretation) is amended as follows.

        4. 32.Paragraphs 30 and 31 (and the corresponding entry in Schedule...

      20. Race Relations Act 1976 (c. 74)

        1. 33.. . . . . . . . . ....

        2. 34.. . . . . . . . . ....

        3. 35.. . . . . . . . . ....

      21. Sex Discrimination (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 (S.I. 1976/1042 (N.I. 15))

        1. 36.The Sex Discrimination (Northern Ireland) Order 1976 has effect subject...

        2. 37.In Article 84(8) (police officers) for “section 23 of the...

        3. 38.In Article 85 (other police bodies), for paragraph (6) substitute—...

      22. Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 (S.I. 1978/1039 (N.I. 9))

        1. 39.In Article 47A(2) of the Health and Safety at Work...

      23. Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1980 (c. 55)

        1. 40.In Part 1 of Schedule 1 to the Law Reform...

      24. Stock Transfer Act 1982 (c. 41)

        1. 41.In Schedule 1 to the Stock Transfer Act 1982 (securities...

      25. Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (c. 27)

        1. 42.(1) Section 87 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984...

      26. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (c. 60)

        1. 43.The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 has effect subject...

        2. 44.In section 5 (reports of recorded searches and road checks)...

        3. 45.In section 55 (intimate searches) omit subsection (14A).

        4. 46.In section 63A(1A) (supplementary provision about fingerprints and samples) for...

      27. Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 (c. 23)

        1. 47.In section 3(3) of the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985...

      28. Ministry of Defence Police Act 1987 (c. 4)

        1. 48.The Ministry of Defence Police Act 1987 has effect subject...

        2. 49.In section 2B(3) (constables serving with other forces), in the...

        3. 50.After section 2B insert— Constables serving with Serious Organised Crime...

      29. Dartford-Thurrock Crossing Act 1988 (c. 20)

        1. 51.In section 19(a) of the Dartford-Thurrock Crossing Act 1988 (exemption...

      30. Road Traffic Act 1988 (c. 52)

        1. 52.The Road Traffic Act 1988 shall have effect subject to...

        2. 53.(1) In section 124 (exemption from requirements regarding paid driving...

        3. 54.In section 144(2) (exemption from requirement of third-party insurance or...

      31. Security Service Act 1989 (c. 5)

        1. 55.The Security Service Act 1989 has effect subject to the...

        2. 56.In section 1(4) (functions of the Security Service) for “,...

        3. 57.In section 2(2)(c) (duties of the Director General)—

      32. Official Secrets Act 1989 (c. 6)

        1. 58.In section 12(1)(e) of the Official Secrets Act 1989 (meaning...

      33. Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990 (c. 31)

        1. 59.In section 22(4)(b) of the Aviation and Maritime Security Act...

      34. Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1992 (c. 53)

        1. 60.The Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1992 has effect subject to...

        2. 61.In section 7(2) (removal of members of certain tribunals) after...

        3. 62.In Schedule 1 (tribunals to which that Act applies) in...

      35. Criminal Appeal Act 1995 (c. 35)

        1. 63.(1) Section 22 of the Criminal Appeal Act 1995 (meaning...

      36. Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (c. 50)

        1. 64.The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 has effect subject to the...

        2. 65.(1) The section 64A (police) inserted by the Disability Discrimination...

        3. 66.In the section 64A (police) inserted by the Disability Discrimination...

        4. 67.(1) The section 64B (other police bodies) inserted by the...

      37. Police Act 1996 (c. 16)

        1. 68.The Police Act 1996 has effect subject to the following...

        2. 69.Omit section 23(8) (collaboration agreements).

        3. 70.Omit section 24(5) (mutual aid).

        4. 71.(1) Section 54 (appointment and functions of inspectors of constabulary)...

        5. 72.In section 55 (publication of reports) omit subsection (7).

        6. 73.(1) Section 57 (common services) is amended as follows.

        7. 74.Omit section 59(8) (police federations).

        8. 75.Omit section 60(2A) (regulations for police federations).

        9. 76.In section 61(1) (police negotiating board) omit paragraphs (aa) and...

        10. 77.(1) Section 62 (functions of negotiating board with respect to...

        11. 78.(1) Section 63 (police advisory boards) is amended as follows....

        12. 79.In section 64 (membership of trade unions) omit subsections (4A)...

        13. 80.(1) Section 88 (liability for wrongful acts of constables) is...

        14. 81.In section 89(4)(a) (assaults on constables) omit “or by a...

        15. 82.(1) Section 97 (police officers engaged on service outside their...

        16. 83.(1) Section 98 (cross-border aid) is amended as follows.

      38. Employment Rights Act 1996 (c. 18)

        1. 84.The Employment Rights Act 1996 has effect subject to the...

        2. 85.In section 43KA(2) (application of Part 4A of that Act...

        3. 86.In section 50(2) (right to time off for public duties)...

        4. 87.In section 134A (application of section 100 of that Act...

      39. Juries (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (S.I. 1996/1141 (N.I. 6))

        1. 88.In Schedule 2 to the Juries (Northern Ireland) Order 1996...

      40. Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 (S.I. 1996/1919 (N.I. 16))

        1. 89.The Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996 has effect subject...

        2. 90.In Article 67KA(3) (application of Part VA of that Order...

        3. 91.In Article 72A(2) (application of Article 68 of that Order...

        4. 92.In Article 169A(2) (application of Article 132 of that Order...

      41. Police (Health and Safety) Act 1997 (c. 42)

        1. 93.In section 5(3) of the Police (Health and Safety) Act...

      42. Police Act 1997 (c. 50)

        1. 94.The Police Act 1997 has effect subject to the following...

        2. 95.Omit sections 1 to 87 (provision about NCIS and NCS...

        3. 96.Omit sections 89 and 90 (general provision about NCS).

        4. 97.(1) Section 93 (authorisations to interfere with property) is amended...

        5. 98.(1) Section 94 (authorisations in absence of authorising officer) is...

        6. 99.(1) Section 95 (form and duration of authorisations) is amended...

        7. 100.(1) Section 97 (authorisations requiring approval) is amended as follows....

        8. 101.In section 105(3) (supplementary provision about appeals) for “, (d),...

        9. 102.In section 107(4)(b) (exclusions from Chief Commissioner's report) for “Service...

        10. 103.(1) Section 109 (Police Information Technology Organisation) is amended as...

        11. 104.(1) Section 111 (interpretation of Part 5) is amended as...

        12. 105.In section 137(2) (extent) omit paragraphs (b) and (c).

        13. 106.Omit Schedules 1 to 2A (Service Authorities for NCIS and...

      43. Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 (S.I. 1997/869 (N.I. 6))

        1. 107.The Race Relations (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 has effect subject...

        2. 108.In Article 72A(8) (police officers) for “section 23 of the...

        3. 109.In Article 72B (other police bodies), for paragraph (6) substitute—...

      44. Police (Health and Safety) (Northern Ireland) Order 1997 (S.I. 1997/1774 (N.I. 16))

        1. 110.In Article 7(3) of the Police (Health and Safety) (Northern...

      45. Audit Commission Act 1998 (c. 18)

        1. 111.In section 32(1) of the Audit Commission Act 1998 (documents...

      46. Data Protection Act 1998 (c. 29)

        1. 112.In section 56(6) of the Data Protection Act 1998 (prohibition...

      47. Police (Northern Ireland) Act 1998 (c. 32)

        1. 113.The Police (Northern Ireland) Act 1998 has effect subject to...

        2. 114.(1) Section 27 (members of Police Service of Northern Ireland...

        3. 115.In section 29(5) (liability for wrongful acts of constables) for...

        4. 116.In section 41 (inspectors of constabulary) for subsections (3) and...

        5. 117.(1) Section 42 (publication of reports of inspectors of constabulary)...

      48. Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (c. 37)

        1. 118.Omit section 113 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998...

      49. Fair Employment and Treatment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 (S.I. 1998/3162 (N.I. 21))

        1. 119.The Fair Employment and Treatment (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 has...

        2. 120.In Article 94(6) (police officers) for “section 23 of the...

        3. 121.In Article 94A (other police bodies), for paragraph (6) substitute—...

      50. Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 (c. 33)

        1. 122.The Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 has effect subject to...

        2. 123.In section 20(1) (supply of information to Secretary of State)...

        3. 124.(1) Section 21 (supply of information by Secretary of State)...

      51. Terrorism Act 2000 (c. 11)

        1. 125.The Terrorism Act 2000 has effect subject to the following...

        2. 126.In section 19(7B) (duty to disclose information)—

        3. 127.In section 20(5) (permission to disclose information)—

        4. 128.In section 21A(14) (failure to disclose: regulated sector)—

        5. 129.In section 21B(7) (protected disclosures)— (a) for “person” substitute “...

        6. 130.In Schedule 14 (exercise of officers' powers), in paragraph 4(1),...

      52. Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (c. 23)

        1. 131.The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 has effect subject...

        2. 132.(1) Section 6 (application for issue of an interception warrant)...

        3. 133.(1) In section 17(3) (exclusion of matters from legal proceedings)...

        4. 134.(1) In section 19(2) (unauthorised disclosures) for paragraphs (c) and...

        5. 135.(1) Section 25 (interpretation) is amended as follows.

        6. 136.In section 32(6) (authorisation of intrusive surveillance) for paragraphs (k)...

        7. 137.(1) Section 33 (rules for grant of authorisation) is amended...

        8. 138.(1) Section 34 (grant of authorisations in absence of senior...

        9. 139.(1) Section 35 (notification of certain authorisations) is amended as...

        10. 140.(1) Section 36 (approval required for authorisations to take effect)...

        11. 141.In section 37(1) (quashing of police and customs authorisations) for...

        12. 142.In section 40 (duty to provide information to Surveillance Commissioners)...

        13. 143.In section 45(6) (cancellation of authorisations)— (a) at the end...

        14. 144.In section 46(3) (restriction on authorisations extending to Scotland) after...

        15. 145.In section 49(1)(e) (notices requiring disclosure) after “the police” (in...

        16. 146.(1) Section 51 (cases in which key required) is amended...

        17. 147.In section 54(3) (tipping-off) after “police” (in both places) insert...

        18. 148.(1) Section 55 (duties of specified authorities) is amended as...

        19. 149.In section 56(1) (interpretation)— (a) in the definition of “chief...

        20. 150.In section 58(1) (co-operation with Commissioner) for paragraphs (b) and...

        21. 151.In section 65(6) (the Tribunal) for paragraphs (d) and (e)...

        22. 152.In section 68(7) (disclosure to Tribunal) for paragraphs (b) and...

        23. 153.In section 75(6) (authorisations under Part 3 of Police Act...

        24. 154.(1) Section 76A (foreign surveillance operations) is amended as follows....

        25. 155.(1) In Schedule 1 (relevant authorities) for paragraphs 2 and...

        26. 156.(1) Schedule 2 (persons having appropriate permission) is amended as...

      53. Football (Disorder) Act 2000 (c. 25)

        1. 157.Omit section 2 of the Football (Disorder) Act 2000 (disclosure...

      54. Freedom of Information Act 2000 (c. 36)

        1. 158.The Freedom of Information Act 2000 has effect subject to...

        2. 159.In section 23(3) (bodies supplying information which is exempt) omit...

        3. 160.In Schedule 1 (list of public authorities), in Part 6,...

      55. Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000 (c. 43)

        1. 161.In section 71(1) and (2)(a) of the Criminal Justice and...

      56. Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (c. 16)

        1. 162.The Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 has effect subject...

        2. 163.In section 88(8) (functions of Central Police Training and Development...

        3. 164.(1) Section 104 (vice-chairmen) is amended as follows.

        4. 165.(1) Section 107 (payment of allowances to authority members) is...

        5. 166.Omit sections 108 to 121 (provision about NCIS and NCS...

        6. 167.Omit section 138(6)(d) (extent).

      57. Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (c. 29)

        1. 168.The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 has effect subject to...

        2. 169.In section 313(1) (restriction on performance by police of functions...

        3. 170.In section 330(5)(a) (required disclosure of information regarding money laundering)...

        4. 171.In section 331(5)(a) (required disclosure of information regarding money laundering)...

        5. 172.In section 332(5)(a) (required disclosure of information regarding money laundering)...

        6. 173.In section 336 (giving of consent by a nominated officer)...

        7. 174.In section 340(13) (interpretation of references to constable) for “the...

        8. 175.In section 378(5) (interpretation of references to officers) for “the...

        9. 176.In section 436(5) (persons permitted to disclose information to the...

        10. 177.In section 439(5) (persons permitted to disclose information to the...

        11. 178.In section 445(2)(b) (external investigations) for “the Director General of...

      58. Police Reform Act 2002 (c. 30)

        1. 179.The Police Reform Act 2002 has effect subject to the...

        2. 180.Omit section 8 (powers of Secretary of State in relation...

        3. 181.(1) Section 38 (exercise of police powers by civilian employees)...

        4. 182.In section 42 (supplementary provisions relating to exercise of police...

        5. 183.(1) Section 45 (code of practice relating to exercise of...

        6. 184.In section 47(1) (interpretation) omit the definitions of “Director General”...

        7. 185.(1) Section 82 (police nationality requirements) is amended as follows....

        8. 186.Omit sections 85 to 91 (NCIS and NCS: general provisions)....

        9. 187.Omit section 93 (quorum for NCIS and NCS service authorities)....

        10. 188.(1) Section 102 (liability for wrongful acts of constables) is...

        11. 189.(1) Section 103 (liability in respect of members of teams)...

        12. 190.In Schedule 4 (powers exercisable by police civilians), in paragraph...

      59. Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003 (c. 32)

        1. 191.Omit section 85 (liability of NCIS in respect of foreign...

      60. Courts Act 2003 (c. 39)

        1. 192.In section 41(6)(c) of the Courts Act 2003 (disqualification of...

      61. Sexual Offences Act 2003 (c. 42)

        1. 193.The Sexual Offences Act 2003 has effect subject to the...

        2. 194.In section 94(3) (supply of information for verification) for paragraphs...

        3. 195.In section 95(2) (supply of information by Secretary of State)...

      62. Criminal Justice Act 2003 (c. 44)

        1. 196.In section 29(5) of the Criminal Justice Act 2003 (persons...

      63. Energy Act 2004 (c. 20)

        1. 197.The Energy Act 2004 has effect subject to the following...

        2. 198.In section 59(3) (members of civil nuclear constabulary serving with...

        3. 199.After section 59 insert— Constables serving with Serious Organised Crime...

      64. Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 (c. 28)

        1. 200.In Schedule 9 to the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims...

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Persons specified for the purposes of section 82

      1. 1.A person who is or might be, or who has...

      2. 2.A person who has complied with a disclosure notice given...

      3. 3.(1) A person who has been given an immunity notice...

      4. 4.A person who is or has been a member of...

      5. 5.A person who holds or has held judicial office (whether...

      6. 6.A person who is or has been a justice of...

      7. 7.A person who is or has been a member of...

      8. 8.A person who conducts or has conducted criminal prosecutions (whether...

      9. 9.(1) A person who is or has been the Director...

      10. 10.(1) A person who is or has been the Director...

      11. 11.A person who is or has been under the direction...

      12. 12.(1) A person who ... has been the Director of...

      13. 13.A person who is or has been a constable.

      14. 14.A person who is or has been designated under—

      15. 15.A person who is a police custody and security officer...

      16. 16.A person who— (a) is or has been an officer...

      17. 17.A person who is or has been a person appointed...

      18. 17A.A person who is or has been a National Crime...

      19. 18.A person who is or has been a member of...

      20. 19.(1) A person who is or has been the Director...

      21. 20.(1) A person who ... has been the Director of...

      22. 20A.(1) A person who ... has been the Director General...

      23. 21.(1) A person who ... has been the Director of...

      24. 22.(1) A person who is or has been the head...

      25. 23.(1) A person who is or has been a person...

      26. 24.(1) A person who is or has been a person...

      27. 25.(1) A person who is or has been the head...

      28. 26.A person who is or has been a prison officer....

      29. 27.A person who is or has been a covert human...

      30. 28.A person— (a) who is a member of the family...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Minor and consequential amendments relating to Chapter 6 of Part 2

      1. Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973 (c. 52)

        1. 1.In section 19B(3) of the Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act...

      2. Limitation Act 1980 (c. 58)

        1. 2.In section 27A(3) of the Limitation Act 1980 (time limits...

      3. Limitation (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (S.I. 1989/1339 (N.I. 11))

        1. 3.In Article 72A(3) of the Limitation (Northern Ireland) Order 1989...

      4. Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (c. 29)

        1. 4.The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (c. 29) is amended...

        2. 5.In section 82(f) (confiscation: England and Wales: property is free...

        3. 6.In section 148(f) (confiscation: Scotland: property is free property if...

        4. 7.In section 230(f) (confiscation: Northern Ireland: property is free property...

        5. 8.In section 241(2)(a) (conduct occurring outside the United Kingdom that...

        6. 9.In section 243 (proceedings for recovery orders in England and...

        7. 10.Before section 248 (and its heading) insert the following heading—...

        8. 11.(1) Section 248 (registration: England and Wales) is amended as...

        9. 12.(1) Section 249 (registration: Northern Ireland) is amended as follows....

        10. 13.Before section 250 (and its heading) insert the following heading—...

        11. 14.(1) Section 252 (interim receiving orders: prohibition on dealings) is...

        12. 15.In section 266 (recovery orders), after subsection (8) insert—

        13. 16.In section 271(4) (certain payments to trustee for civil recovery...

        14. 17.In section 272(5) (provision in recovery orders for compensation for...

        15. 18.In section 280(2) (application of realised proceeds of recovery order)—...

        16. 19.In section 283 (compensation where interim receiving order etc. has...

        17. 20.After section 286 insert— Legal expenses excluded from freezing: required...

        18. 21.In section 287 (financial threshold for starting proceedings), in subsections...

        19. 22.(1) Section 316(1) (interpretation of Part 5) is amended as...

        20. 23.In section 432 (insolvency practitioners), in subsections (1)(b), (8)(a) and...

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Powers of Arrest: supplementary

      1. Part 1 Specific repeals

        1. Unlawful Drilling Act 1819 (60 Geo. 3 & 1 Geo. 4 c. 1)

          1. 1.In section 2 of the Unlawful Drilling Act 1819 (power...

        2. Vagrancy Act 1824 (c. 83)

          1. 2.Section 6 of the Vagrancy Act 1824 (power to apprehend)...

        3. Railway Regulation Act 1842 (c. 55)

          1. 3.Section 17 of the Railway Regulation Act 1842 (punishment of...

        4. Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 (c. 16)

          1. 4.In section 156 of the Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845...

        5. Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 (c. 20)

          1. 5.(1) The Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 is amended as...

        6. Licensing Act 1872 (c. 94)

          1. 6.In section 12 of the Licensing Act 1872 (penalty on...

        7. Public Stores Act 1875 (c. 25)

          1. 7.In section 12 of the Public Stores Act 1875 (powers...

        8. London County Council (General Powers) Act 1894 (c. ccxii)

          1. 8.In section 7 of the London County Council (General Powers)...

        9. London County Council (General Powers) Act 1900 (c. cclxviii)

          1. 9.In section 27 of the London County Council (General Powers)...

        10. Licensing Act 1902 (c. 28)

          1. 10.(1) The Licensing Act 1902 is amended as follows.

        11. Protection of Animals Act 1911 (c. 27)

          1. 11.In section 12 of the Protection of Animals Act 1911...

        12. Official Secrets Act 1911 (c. 28)

          1. 12.Section 6 of the Official Secrets Act 1911 (power of...

        13. Public Order Act 1936 (1 Edw. 8 & 1 Geo. 6 c. 6)

          1. 13.In section 7 of the Public Order Act 1936 (enforcement),...

        14. Street Offences Act 1959 (c. 57)

          1. 14.In section 1 of the Street Offences Act 1959 (loitering...

        15. Criminal Justice Act 1967 (c. 80)

          1. 15.In section 91 of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 (drunkenness...

        16. Ministry of Housing and Local Government Provisional Order Confirmation (Greater London Parks and Open Spaces) Act 1967 (c. xxix)

          1. 16.In Article 19 (power of detention) of the Order set...

        17. Theft Act 1968 (c. 60)

          1. 17.In section 25 of the Theft Act 1968 (going equipped...

        18. Port of London Act 1968 (c. xxxii)

          1. 18.Section 170 of the Port of London Act 1968 (power...

        19. Criminal Law Act 1977 (c. 45)

          1. 19.(1) The Criminal Law Act 1977 is amended as follows....

        20. Theft Act 1978 (c. 31)

          1. 20.In section 3 of the Theft Act 1978 (making off...

        21. Animal Health Act 1981 (c. 22)

          1. 21.(1) The Animal Health Act 1981 is amended as follows....

        22. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 (c. 30)

          1. 22.In Schedule 3 to the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act...

        23. Aviation Security Act 1982 (c. 36)

          1. 23.In section 28 of the Aviation Security Act 1982 (byelaws...

        24. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (c. 60)

          1. 24.(1) The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 is amended...

        25. Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol etc.) Act 1985 (c. 57)

          1. 25.In section 7 of the Sporting Events (Control of Alcohol...

        26. Public Order Act 1986 (c. 64)

          1. 26.(1) The Public Order Act 1986 is amended as follows....

        27. Road Traffic Act 1988 (c. 52)

          1. 27.(1) The Road Traffic Act 1988 is amended as follows....

        28. Football Spectators Act 1989 (c. 37)

          1. 28.In section 2 of the Football Spectators Act 1989 (offences...

        29. Transport and Works Act 1992 (c. 42)

          1. 29.In section 30 of the Transport and Works Act 1992...

        30. Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (c. 52)

          1. 30.In section 241 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations...

        31. Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (c. 33)

          1. 31.(1) The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 is...

        32. Reserve Forces Act 1996 (c. 14)

          1. 32.In Schedule 2 to the Reserve Forces Act 1996 (deserters...

        33. Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons) Act 1997 (c. 33)

          1. 33.In section 1 of the Confiscation of Alcohol (Young Persons)...

        34. Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (c. 37)

          1. 34.In section 31 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998...

        35. Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (c. 16)

          1. 35.In the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001—

        36. Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 (c. 38)

          1. 36.In the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003— (a) in section 4...

        37. Hunting Act 2004 (c. 37)

          1. 37.Section 7 of the Hunting Act 2004 (arrest) shall cease...

      2. Part 2 General repeal

        1. 38.So much of the enactments set out in the second...

      3. Part 3 Amendments relating to references to arrestable offences and serious arrestable offences

        1. Criminal Law Act 1826 (c. 64)

          1. 39.In section 28 of the Criminal Law Act 1826 (which...

        2. Criminal Law Act 1967 (c. 58)

          1. 40.(1) The Criminal Law Act 1967 is amended as follows....

        3. Port of London Act 1968 (c. xxxii)

          1. 41.(1) The Port of London Act 1968 is amended as...

        4. Solicitors Act 1974 (c. 47)

          1. 42.(1) The Solicitors Act 1974 is amended as follows.

        5. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (c. 60)

          1. 43.(1) The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 is amended...

        6. Administration of Justice Act 1985 (c. 61)

          1. 44.In section 16 of the Administration of Justice Act 1985...

        7. Housing Act 1985 (c. 68)

          1. 45.In Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Housing Act...

        8. Housing Act 1988 (c. 50)

          1. 46.In Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the Housing Act...

        9. Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 (c. 33)

          1. 47.(1) The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 is...

        10. Terrorism Act 2000 (c. 11)

          1. 48.(1) In Schedule 8 to the Terrorism Act 2000 (detention),...

        11. International Criminal Court Act 2001 (c. 17)

          1. 49.(1) The International Criminal Court Act 2001 is amended as...

        12. Armed Forces Act 2001 (c. 19)

          1. 50.In section 5 of the Armed Forces Act 2001 (power...

        13. Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003 (c. 32)

          1. 51.(1) The Crime (International Co-operation) Act 2003 is amended as...

      4. Part 4 Other amendments

        1. Game Laws (Amendment) Act 1960 (c. 36)

          1. 52.(1) The Game Laws (Amendment) Act 1960 is amended as...

        2. Immigration Act 1971 (c. 77)

          1. 53.In section 28A of the Immigration Act 1971 (arrest without...

        3. Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 (c. 2)

          1. 54.In section 138 of the Customs and Excise Management Act...

        4. Animal Health Act 1981 (c. 22)

          1. 55.(1) The Animal Health Act 1981 is amended as follows....

        5. Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (c. 69)

          1. 56.In section 19 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981...

        6. Aviation Security Act 1982 (c. 36)

          1. 57.In section 13 of the Aviation Security Act 1982 (power...

        7. Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (c. 60)

          1. 58.In section 17 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act...

        8. Road Traffic Act 1988 (c. 52)

          1. 59.In section 184 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 (application...

        9. Aviation and Maritime Security Act 1990 (c. 31)

          1. 60.In section 22 of the Aviation and Maritime Security Act...

        10. Deer Act 1991 (c. 54)

          1. 61.In section 12 of the Deer Act 1991 (powers of...

        11. Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 (c. 11)

          1. 62.The Gangmasters (Licensing) Act 2004 is amended as follows—

        12. Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004 (c. 19)

          1. 63.The Asylum and Immigration (Treatment of Claimants, etc.) Act 2004...

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Powers of designated and accredited persons

      1. Part 1 Designated persons

        1. 1.Schedule 4 to the Police Reform Act 2002 (c. 30)...

        2. Community support officers

          1. 2.After paragraph 1 insert— Power to require name and address...

          2. 3.(1) Paragraph 2 (power to detain etc. ) is amended...

          3. 4.After paragraph 2 insert— Powers to search individuals and to...

          4. 5.In paragraph 3 (power to require name and address of...

          5. 6.After paragraph 3 insert— Power to require name and address:...

          6. 7.In paragraph 4 (power to use reasonable force to detain...

          7. 8.After paragraph 7 insert— Search and seizure powers: alcohol and...

          8. 9.After paragraph 8 insert— Entry to investigate licensing offences (1) Where a designation applies this paragraph to any person,...

          9. 10.After paragraph 11A insert— Power to control traffic for purposes...

          10. 11.After paragraph 13 insert— Power to place traffic signs (1) Where a designation applies this paragraph to any person,...

          11. 12.After paragraph 15 insert— Photographing of persons arrested, detained or...

        3. Investigating officers

          1. 13.In paragraph 16 (search warrants)— (a) in paragraph (a), for...

          2. 14.After paragraph 16 insert— Where a designation applies this paragraph to any person—

          3. 15.In paragraph 17 (access to excluded and special procedure material)—...

        4. Detention officers

          1. 16.After paragraph 33 insert— Taking of impressions of footwear Where a designation applies this paragraph to any person—

      2. Part 2 Accredited persons

        1. 17.Schedule 5 to the Police Reform Act 2002 (c. 30)...

        2. 18.In paragraph 2 (power to require giving of name and...

        3. 19.After paragraph 3 insert— Power to require name and address:...

        4. 20.After paragraph 8A insert— Power to control traffic for purposes...

        5. 21.After paragraph 9 insert— Photographing of persons given fixed penalty...

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      Additional powers and duties of designated persons

      1. 1.Schedule 4 to the Police Reform Act 2002 (c. 30)...

      2. Community Support Officers

        1. 2.In paragraph 2 (power to detain etc. ), after sub-paragraph...

        2. 3.In paragraph 4 (power to use reasonable force to detain...

        3. 4.After paragraph 4 insert— Where a designation applies this paragraph to any person, that...

      3. Investigating officers

        1. 5.In paragraph 22 (power to transfer persons into custody of...

        2. 6.After paragraph 22 insert— Powers in respect of detained persons...

      4. Detention officers

        1. 7.After paragraph 33A (inserted by paragraph 16 of Schedule 8...

      5. Escort officers

        1. 8.(1) Paragraph 34 (power to take an arrested person to...

        2. 9.(1) Paragraph 35 (escort of persons in police detention) is...

      6. Staff custody officers

        1. 10.Additional powers and duties of designated persons

    10. SCHEDULE 10

      Parental compensation orders

      1. Part 1 England and Wales

        1. 1.The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 (c. 37) is amended...

        2. 2.After section 13 insert— Parental compensation orders (1) A magistrates' court may make an order under this...

        3. 3.(1) Section 8 (parenting orders) is amended as follows.

        4. 4.In section 18 (interpretation of Chapter 1), in subsection (1),...

        5. 5.In section 114 (orders and regulations), in subsection (3), after...

        6. 6.The amendments made by paragraph 2 of this Schedule do...

      2. Part 2 Northern Ireland

        1. 7.The Criminal Justice (Children) (Northern Ireland) Order 1998 (S.I. 1998/1504...

        2. 8.After Article 36 insert— Parental compensation orders (1) A magistrates' court may make an order under this...

        3. 9.In Article 2 (interpretation), in paragraph (2), in the appropriate...

        4. 10.The amendments made by paragraph 8 of this Schedule do...

    11. SCHEDULE 11

      Investigations into conduct of police officers: accelerated procedure in special cases

      1. 1.Schedule 3 to the Police Reform Act 2002 (c. 30)...

      2. 2.In paragraph 20(1)— (a) for “until” substitute until—

      3. 3.After paragraph 20 insert— Accelerated procedure in special cases (1) If, at any time before the completion of his...

      4. 4.In paragraph 25, after sub-paragraph (2) insert—

    12. SCHEDULE 12

      Investigations of deaths and serious injuries during or after contact with the police

      1. 1.The Police Reform Act 2002 (c. 30) has effect subject...

      2. 2.(1) Section 10(2) (general functions of the Commission) is amended...

      3. 3.In section 12 (matters to which Part 2 applies), after...

      4. 4.In the following provisions, for “and conduct matters” substitute “...

      5. 5.(1) Section 16(2) (assistance for which payment is required) is...

      6. 6.In section 18 (inspection of police premises on behalf of...

      7. 7.(1) Section 21 (duty to provide information) is amended as...

      8. 8.(1) Section 22 (power of Commission to issue guidance) is...

      9. 9.(1) Section 23(2) (regulations) is amended as follows.

      10. 10.(1) Section 29 (interpretation) is amended as follows.

      11. 11.Schedule 3 (handling of complaints and conduct matters) is amended...

      12. 12.After paragraph 14 insert— Part 2A handling of death and...

      13. 13.In paragraph 15(1)(a) and (8) (power of the Commission to...

      14. 14.(1) Paragraph 16 (investigations by the appropriate authority on its...

      15. 15.(1) Paragraph 17 (investigations supervised by the Commission) is amended...

      16. 16.(1) Paragraph 18 (investigations managed by the Commission) is amended...

      17. 17.(1) Paragraph 19 (investigations by the Commission itself) is amended...

      18. 18.In paragraph 20(1) (restrictions on proceedings pending the conclusion of...

      19. 19.In paragraph 21(4) (power of the Commission to discontinue an...

      20. 20.After paragraph 21 insert— Procedure where conduct matter is revealed...

      21. 21.For paragraph 22 (final reports on investigations) substitute— Final reports...

      22. 22.(1) In the heading preceding paragraph 23, after “investigation report”...

      23. 23.(1) In the heading preceding paragraph 24, after “investigation report”...

      24. 24.After paragraph 24 insert— Final reports on investigations: other DSI...

    13. SCHEDULE 13

      Abolition of Royal Parks Constabulary: supplementary

      1. Part 1 Transfers to Metropolitan Police Authority

        1. Interpretation

          1. 1.In this Part of this Schedule— “the Authority” means the...

        2. Establishment of eligibility for transfer

          1. 2.The Secretary of State may by regulations impose requirements in...

          2. 3.(1) The Secretary of State may terminate the Crown employment...

        3. Relevant persons

          1. 4.(1) A transfer scheme may provide for any relevant person...

          2. 5.(1) A transfer scheme may provide for the appointment as...

        4. Property, rights and liabilities, etc.

          1. 6.(1) The transfer scheme may provide for the transfer of...

        5. Consultation

          1. 7.Before making a transfer scheme which contains any provision relating...

        6. Termination of employment

          1. 8.The Secretary of State may by regulations make provision as...

      2. Part 2 Amendments

        1. Royal Parks (Trading) Act 2000 (c. 13)

          1. 9.In section 4 of the Royal Parks (Trading) Act 2000...

        2. Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (c. 23)

          1. 10.In Schedule 1 to the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act...

        3. Police Reform Act 2002 (c. 30)

          1. 11.The Police Reform Act 2002 has effect subject to the...

          2. 12.(1) Section 82 (police nationality requirements) is amended as follows....

          3. 13.(1) Schedule 4 (powers exercisable by police civilians) is amended...

    14. SCHEDULE 14

      Amendments of Part 5 of Police Act 1997

      1. 1.Part 5 of the Police Act 1997 (c. 50) (certificates...

      2. 2.In section 114(3) for “Section 113(3) to (5)” substitute “...

      3. 3.In section 116— (a) in the application to Scotland of...

      4. 4.In section 119— (a) in subsection (1A) for “section 113(3A)...

      5. 5.In section 119A(2) for the words from “under” to “adults)”...

      6. 6.In section 120— (a) in subsection (3)(b) for “113 or...

      7. 7.In section 120ZA(4)(b) for “113 or 115” substitute “ 113A...

      8. 8.In section 120A (as inserted by section 134(1) of the...

      9. 9.In section 120B (as inserted by section 70 of the...

      10. 10.In section 121 for “under section 114(2), 115(4) or (10),...

      11. 11.In section 122(3) and (4)(b) for “113 or 115” substitute...

      12. 12.In section 124— (a) in subsections (1), (2), (3), (4)...

      13. 13.In section 124B— (a) in subsection (1) for “113” substitute...

      14. 14.In section 125, at the end add—

    15. SCHEDULE 15

      Private Security Industry Act 2001: Scottish extent

      1. 1.The Private Security Industry Act 2001 (c. 12) is amended...

      2. 2.In section 2 (directions etc. by the Secretary of State)—...

      3. 3.After section 2 insert— Authority to be treated as cross-border...

      4. 4.In section 3 (conduct prohibited without a licence), after subsection...

      5. 5.In section 7 (licensing criteria), after subsection (5) insert—

      6. 6.In section 11 (appeals in licensing matters)—

      7. 7.In section 13 (licensing at local authority level), at the...

      8. 8.In section 15(1) (duty to secure arrangements are in force...

      9. 9.In section 18 (appeals relating to approvals)—

      10. 10.In section 23 (criminal liability of directors etc.), the existing...

      11. 11.In section 24 (consultation with Security Industry Authority before making...

      12. 12.In section 26 (short title, commencement and extent)—

      13. 13.In Schedule 1 (the Security Industry Authority)—

      14. 14.In Schedule 2 (activities liable to control under the Private...

    16. SCHEDULE 16

      Remaining minor and consequential amendments (search warrants)

      1. Incitement to Disaffection Act 1934 (c. 56)

        1. 1.In section 2 of the Incitement to Disaffection Act 1934...

      2. Public Order Act 1936 (1 Edw. 8 & 1 Geo. 6 c. 6)

        1. 2.In section 2 of the Public Order Act 1936 (prohibition...

      3. Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949 (c. 54)

        1. 3.. . . . . . . . . ....

      4. Licensing Act 1964 (c. 26)

        1. 4.Until their repeal by the Licensing Act 2003 (c. 17),...

      5. Biological Weapons Act 1974 (c. 6)

        1. 5.In section 4 of the Biological Weapons Act 1974 (powers...

      6. Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (c. 48)

        1. 6.(1) The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 is amended...

      7. Computer Misuse Act 1990 (c. 18)

        1. 7.In section 14 of the Computer Misuse Act 1990 (search...

      8. Trade Marks Act 1994 (c. 26)

        1. 8.In section 92A of the Trade Marks Act 1994 (search...

    17. SCHEDULE 17

      Repeals and revocations

      1. Part 1 Repeals coming into force on Royal Assent

      2. Part 2 Other repeals and revocations