Explanatory Notes

Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 15

7th April 2005

The Act

Commentary on Sections

Schedule 1: The Serious Organised Crime Agency

Section 35: Restrictions on further disclosure

129.The purpose of this section is to place restrictions on the onward disclosure of information that has been disclosed by SOCA under section 33 or to SOCA by the Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. In the case of information disclosed by SOCA to a person or body, subsection (1) provides that this information may only be passed on, with the consent of SOCA, for a purpose connected with the functions of that person or body, for the purpose for which the information was originally disclosed by SOCA, or for any other of the permitted purposes listed in section 33(2). Information disclosed to SOCA by the Commissioners may only be further disclosed where the Commissioners or an authorised officer give their consent, and then only for any of the permitted purposes listed in section 33(2) (subsection (2)). This consent might relate to one disclosure or several disclosures defined by the consent (subsection (3)).