Explanatory Notes

Gambling Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 19

7 April 2005

Territorial Extent

Territorial limits – vessels and aircraft

Schedule 15: Private gaming and betting

Part 17: Legality and Enforcement of Gambling Contracts
Section 336: Power of Gambling Commission to void bet

830.This section provides the Commission with the power to make an order that a bet accepted by, or through, the holder of a general betting operating licence, a pool betting operating licence, or a betting intermediary operating licence, is to be void.

831.Where the Commission exercises this power, any contract or other arrangement relating to the bet will be void, and any money paid in relation to the bet must be returned to the person who paid it. So, for example, a person who places a stake on a bet that the Commission orders should be made void, must have their stake returned to them. Equally, any winnings must be repaid to the person who accepted the bet. Such repayments will be enforceable as a debt.

832.The Commission may only make an order under this section where it is satisfied that the bet was substantially unfair. In considering whether a bet is substantially unfair, the Commission must, in particular, have regard to any of the factors listed in subsection (4) that apply. These are:

833.The effect of this section is that the Commission will not automatically void a bet where one of the factors listed in subsection (4) applies; it will only cancel a bet where it is satisfied that it was substantially unfair. This will allow for the situation where both parties to the bet knew about the cheating, for example, and so no unfairness arises.

834.The power to void a bet will be available to the Commission for a period of six months from the day on which the result of the bet is determined, except where there has been a conviction for cheating, in which case there is no time limit. Provision is made in section 337 for rights of appeal in relation to orders made by the Commission under this section.