Explanatory Notes

Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 5

24 March 2005


The Tax Law Rewrite Project

8.In December 1995 the Inland Revenue presented a report to Parliament on the scope for simplifying the United Kingdom tax system (The Path to Tax Simplification). The main recommendation was that United Kingdom direct tax legislation should be rewritten in clearer, simpler language.

9.This recommendation was welcomed, both in Parliament and in the tax community. In his November 1996 Budget statement the then Chancellor of the Exchequer (the Rt Hon Kenneth Clarke MP, QC) announced that the Inland Revenue would propose detailed arrangements for a major project to rewrite direct tax legislation in plainer language.

10.The project team was given the task of rewriting the United Kingdom’s existing primary direct tax legislation. The aim is that the rewritten legislation should use simpler language and structure than previous tax legislation. The members of the project are from different backgrounds, including Inland Revenue employees, private sector tax professionals and parliamentary counsel including (as head of the drafting team) a senior member of the Parliamentary Counsel Office.

Steering Committee

11.The work of the project is overseen by a Steering Committee, chaired by Lord Howe of Aberavon CH, QC. The membership of the Steering Committee as at 31 October 2004 was:

Consultative Committee

12.The work is also reviewed by a Consultative Committee, representing the accountancy and legal professions and the interests of taxpayers. The membership of the Consultative Committee as at 31 October 2004 was:

Robin Martin CBChairman
Graham Aaronson QCRevenue Bar Association
Adam BrokeSpecial Committee of Tax Law Consultative Bodies
Derek BrownlowInstitute of Directors
Colin CampbellConfederation of British Industry
Taha DharsiLondon Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Mary FraserAssociation of Chartered Certified Accountants
Malcolm Gammie QCThe Law Society of England and Wales
Terry HopesInstitute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Isobel d'InvernoLaw Society of Scotland
Keith GordonChartered Institute of Taxation
Simon McKieInstitute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales
Cunnie RankinInstitute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland
Simon SweetmanFederation of Small Businesses
Wreford VogeChartered Institute of Taxation
Professor David WilliamsOffice of the Social Security Commissioners
Mervyn WoodsConfederation of British Industry


13.The work produced by the project has been subject to public consultation. This has allowed all interested parties an opportunity to comment on draft clauses. The consultation took the form of a series of Exposure Drafts which published clauses in draft. The relevant ones for this Act are numbers 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 and 13. They were published in July 1997, July 1998, March 1999, October 1999, May 2000 and March 2002 respectively. A draft Bill was published for consultation in March 2004.

14.In addition to formal consultation by way of Exposure Drafts and draft Bill the project also produced papers for the Committees which both informed the Committees and sought their views on particular issues. Draft clauses and explanatory notes were also posted on the Tax Law Rewrite website for comment.

15.Those who responded to one or more of the Exposure Drafts, to the draft Bill or to the draft clauses published on the website include:

Note: this table excludes those who asked for their responses to be treated in confidence.