Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 255: Further rules about allowable deductions

1017.This section is the second of two that set out the rules for allowing deductions from sums charged as post-cessation receipts. It is based on section 105 of ICTA.

1018.Subsection (2) ensures that any loss unused at the date of cessation is set off against post-cessation receipts in the same order as it would have been set off against profits under section 385 of ICTA, that is, against an earlier year before a later year.

1019.Subsection (4) ensures that no expense or loss can be set against amounts treated as post-cessation receipts by section 248 (debts paid after cessation) or section 250 (receipts relating to post-cessation expenditure).

1020.The references to capital allowances in section 105(1)(b) and (3) of ICTA are no longer needed because any capital allowance is allowed as a trading expense.

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