Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 83: Meaning of “local enterprise organisation”

346.This section lists some of the organisations that qualify for deductions to be allowed under section 82. It combines the definitions in sections 79(4) and 79A(5) of ICTA.

347.Subsection (2) deals with local enterprise agencies. These agencies may take a number of forms and do not have an approval procedure for any other purpose. So the tax legislation specifies that they must be approved for this purpose.

348.The subsection introduces the expression “relevant national authority”. The expression is used also in sections 84 and 85 of this Act.

349.The subsection reflects the effect of the devolution settlements. See Change 19 in Annex 1. The National Assembly for Wales (Transfer of Functions) Order 1999 (SI 1999/672) devolves the functions of the Secretary of State under section 79 of ICTA to the National Assembly for Wales. So the “relevant national authority” may be the Assembly. But the Order does not refer to section 79A of ICTA. So the equivalent functions in subsections (3) and (5) of this section are still exercised only by the Secretary of State.

350.Subsections (3) to (5) deal with other bodies to which section 82 of this Act applies. These other bodies have to be set up in a particular way for other reasons and the tax legislation merely follows the existing procedures.

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