Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 Explanatory Notes

Section 690: Overview of Part 6

2649.This section lists the Chapters in this Part. These provide for exemption from income tax for:

  • National savings income (Chapter 2);

  • Income from individual investment plans (Chapter 3);

  • SAYE interest (Chapter 4);

  • Venture capital trust dividends (Chapter 5);

  • Income from FOTRA securities (Chapter 6);

  • Purchased life annuity payments (Chapter 7);

  • Other annual payments (Chapter 8); and

  • Other income (Chapter 9).

2650.Subsection (3) explains the purpose of Chapter 10 (general). This Chapter provides that any exemption in this Part, unless there is specific provision to the contrary, is disregarded for all income tax purposes.

2651.Subsection (4) indicates that there are exemptions in other Acts relating to particular categories of person which could be relevant to the charges in this Act. For example see section 505 of ICTA which provides a general exemption for charities.

2652.Subsection (5) explains that the exemptions in this Act may apply, where relevant, to charges outside this Act.

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