Part 5Miscellaneous income

Chapter 2Receipts from intellectual property


606Apportionment where property sold together


Any reference in this Chapter to the sale of property includes the sale of that property together with other property.


In this section—

  • references to property include know-how, and

  • references to the sale of property include the disposal of know-how.


For the purposes of subsection (1), all property sold as a result of one bargain is to be treated as sold together even though—


separate prices are, or purport to be, agreed for separate items of that property, or


there are, or purport to be, separate sales of separate items of that property.


If an item of property is sold together with other property, then, for the purposes of the charges under sections 583 and 587—


the net proceeds of the sale of that item are treated as being so much of the net proceeds of the sale of all the property as, on a just and reasonable apportionment, is attributable to that item, and


the expenditure incurred on the provision or purchase of that item is treated as being so much of the consideration given for all the property as, on a just and reasonable apportionment, is attributable to that item.