Appropriation (No. 2) Act 2005

Part 1Department for Education and Skills, 2005–06

Table of—


the resources authorised for use, on account, to meet the costs of the Estimate and Requests for Resources which are specified in the first column of the Table for the year ending with 31st March 2006; and


the sums authorised for issue out of the Consolidated Fund, on account, to meet those costs.

Estimate/Request for ResourcesNet Resources authorised for useGrants out of the Consolidated Fund
1.  To help build a competitive economy and inclusive society by: creating opportunities for everyone to develop their learning; releasing potential in people to make the most of themselves; and achieving excellence in standards of education and levels of skills12,729,876,000
2.  Promoting the physical, intellectual and social development of babies and young children through Sure Start, Early Years Provision and Childcare444,706,000
3.  Tackling child poverty and social exclusion by helping vulnerable children and young people, and their families, to break the cycle of deprivation and disadvantage through the Children’s Fund97,717,000
TOTAL, 2005–0613,272,299,00013,958,132,000