Explanatory Notes

Mental Capacity Act 2005

2005 CHAPTER 9

7 April 2005


Schedule 4: Provisions applying to existing enduring powers of attorney

Part 1: Enduring powers of attorney

186.Part 1 sets out the main elements of EPAs. They are not revoked by any subsequent mental incapacity of the donor of the power, unlike ordinary powers of attorney. Such a power is only created if it is in the prescribed form and complies with the provisions in paragraph 2 of this Part. This Part also deals with the scope of EPAs. Both general and specific powers may be subject to conditions and restrictions as set out by the donor. A donee may from time to time make gifts from the donor’s property to people connected to the donor (including himself) and to any charity the donor may have been expected to make gifts to. This is subject to any conditions or restrictions as mentioned above and also to the reasonableness of such gifts with regard to the size of the donor’s estate.