Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 Explanatory Notes

Section 16: Objection

42.Section 16 sets out the procedure for employers to object to the Secretary of State in relation to a penalty notice, and for the Secretary of State to consider objections.

43.Subsections (1) and (2) provide that an employer may object to his liability to the imposition of a penalty and to the amount. He may also object on the grounds that he is excused payment because he has complied with the requirements of an order under section 11 subsection (7).

44.Subsection (3) sets out the form the objection must take. It enables the Secretary of State to prescribe the manner and time period in which the objection should be made.

45.Subsections (4) and (5) cover the actions to be carried out by the Secretary of State on receipt of an objection, and the possible outcomes of his consideration. Subsection (4) provides that the Secretary of State must consider an objection and may cancel, reduce, increase it or take no action. Subsection (5) provides that where the Secretary of State considers a notice of objection, he must have regard to the code of practice issued under section 19 specifying the criteria to be applied in determining the amount. The Secretary of State must inform the objector of his decision within a prescribed or agreed period. If the penalty is increased, a new notice must be issued. If the penalty is reduced, the Secretary of State must inform the objector of the reduced amount.

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