Part 8: Flexible administrative arrangements
39.Chapter 1 of Part 8 enables the Secretary of State to make agreements with bodies listed in Schedule 7 (“designated bodies”) for certain types of function to be performed by those bodies. Designated bodies also have the power to authorise other designated bodies by agreement to perform their functions. In both situations the relevant function must be either a Defra or Defra-related one that is compatible with the purposes of the receiving body.
40.As mentioned above, this Chapter will enable Natural England to be authorised to carry out activities currently carried out by the Rural Development Service on behalf of the Secretary of State.
41.Chapter 2 of Part, and Schedules 8, 9 and 10, confer power to establish boards for the purpose of helping to develop and promote agricultural and related industries. This Chapter also contains power to abolish certain existing agricultural levy bodies that are within Defra’s remit (namely, the British Potato Council, the Home-Grown Cereals Authority, the Horticultural Development Council, the Meat and Livestock Commission and the Milk Development Council). These provisions are intended to enable action to be taken in the light of the Radcliffe Review of Agricultural and Horticultural Levy Bodies. This was published in October 2005, with document reference PB 11427, and is currently to be found at:
42.Chapter 3 confers a wide power to enable financial assistance to be given by the Secretary of State for any purposes connected with Defra activities.