Part 1Co-ordinated on-line record of electors

2Use of CORE information


A CORE scheme may authorise or require a CORE keeper to take such steps as are specified in the scheme in relation to information kept by him in pursuance of the scheme.


Regulations under—


section 53(4) of the 1983 Act,


paragraphs 10A to 11A of Schedule 2 to that Act, and


paragraph 13 of that Schedule, so far as relating to paragraphs 10A to 11A,

have effect in relation to a CORE keeper and any information kept by him in pursuance of a CORE scheme as they have effect in relation to an ERO and any registers he is required to maintain under that Act.


A CORE scheme may make such modifications of the regulations mentioned in subsection (2) in their application to a CORE keeper or the information kept by him as the Secretary of State thinks appropriate.


Section 42 applies to a CORE keeper as if—


he were a relevant officer (within the meaning of section 44), and


the information kept by him which consists in copies of relevant election documents (within the meaning of that section) were documents relating to an election which he is required by or under any enactment to retain for any period.


The CORE keeper must, in accordance with the scheme, inform an ERO if he thinks that any of the circumstances mentioned in subsection (6) have arisen in in relation to—


a person who is registered in respect of an address on a register which the ERO is required to maintain, or


an address in relation to which there is an entry on such a register.


These are the circumstances—


a person who is registered in respect of an address on a register which the ERO is required to maintain is also registered on a register in respect of another address (whether on the same or a different register);


more than such number of postal votes as is specified in the scheme is requested for the same redirection address;


the same person acts as proxy for more than two electors;


a person votes more than once (other than as proxy) at the same election.


The CORE keeper—


must provide the ERO with other information of such description as is specified in the scheme relating to a person mentioned in subsection (5)(a);


may provide the ERO with such other information relating to the person as he thinks is relevant to the exercise by the ERO of his functions.


If a CORE scheme makes provision which allows an elector to have access to information relating to him which is kept by the CORE keeper, the scheme must also make provision to enable the elector to request any changes to the information.


The CORE keeper must pass any such request to every ERO whose register he thinks may fall to be altered in consequence of the request.


A CORE scheme—


must not permit an elector to request a change to information relating to any other elector, but


may permit an elector who is resident at the same address as another elector to confirm for the purposes of an annual canvass under section 10 of the 1983 Act that the information relating to the other elector is correct.


Except for the purposes of subsections (5) to (7) and (9), a CORE scheme must not authorise an ERO to have access to information provided to the CORE keeper by a different ERO.


In subsections (5) to (7) and (9) an ERO includes an ERO who acts for an area which is not specified in a CORE scheme.


A redirection address is an address in respect of which the person is not registered.