Health Act 2006
2006 CHAPTER 28
Commentary on Sections
Ophthalmic Services
Section 41 Local Optical Committees
215.Section 41 inserts new section 45C in the 1977 Act. The new section relates to Local Optical Committees and largely mirrors the existing provision.
216.Subsections (1), (2) and (3) allow a Primary Care Trust to recognise a committee formed for its area that is representative of those who have entered into a general ophthalmic services contract and those who are performing primary ophthalmic services in that area and who have notified the committee that they wish to be represented. At present Local Optical Committees are representative of those on the ophthalmic list, and this will make the Committee more representative of professionals performing primary ophthalmic services in an area.
217.Subsections (4 to 11) specify that the committee shall be the Local Optical Committee and allow for regulations to be made in respect of consultation of that committee by the Primary Care Trust in respect of primary ophthalmic services, allows for co-option of persons to membership of the Committee, for other functions to be prescribed, for determination of committee expenses and for a levy on fees paid to contractors to meet those expenses. Subsection (10) permits the administrative expenses of the committee to be defrayed by a levy on the fees paid to those providing the services. This follows the present arrangements for funding the Committees.
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