1. Introductory Text

  2. Establishment

    1. 1.The Commissioner for Older People in Wales

  3. Functions

    1. 2.General functions

    2. 3.Review of discharge of functions

    3. 4.Power to amend Schedule 2

    4. 5.Review of arrangements

    5. 6.Review of arrangements: supplementary

    6. 7.Power to amend Schedule 3

    7. 8.Assistance

    8. 9.Research and educational activities

    9. 10.Examination of cases

    10. 11.Obstruction and contempt

    11. 12.Guidance

    12. 13.Power of entry and of interviewing

    13. 14.Further supplementary functions

    14. 15.Reports following discharge of particular functions

  4. Working with other ombudsmen

    1. 16.Working jointly with the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

    2. 17.Working collaboratively with other ombudsmen

  5. Disclosure of information etc.

    1. 18.Power to disclose information

    2. 19.Protection against defamation

  6. Complaints procedure

    1. 20.Complaints procedure in respect of the Commissioner

  7. General

    1. 21.Restrictions

    2. 22.Minor and consequential amendments

    3. 23.Commencement

    4. 24.Older people in Wales

    5. 25.Interests of older people in Wales

    6. 26.Regulated services in Wales

    7. 27.Other interpretative provisions

    8. 28.Orders and regulations

    9. 29.Extent

    10. 30.Short title


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      The Commissioner for Older People in Wales

      1. 1.Status

      2. 2.Appointment and term of office

      3. 3.Remuneration etc

      4. 4.Deputy Commissioner and other staff

      5. 5.Delegation

      6. 6.Superannuation Act 1972 (c. 11)

      7. 7.Payments by the Assembly

      8. 8.Reports to the Assembly

      9. 9.Estimates

      10. 10.Accounts

      11. 11.Accounting officer

      12. 12.Audit

      13. 13.Examinations into the use of resources

      14. 14.Examinations by the Comptroller and Auditor General

      15. 15.Evidence

      16. 16.Disqualifications

      17. 17.In the Northern Ireland Assembly Disqualification Act 1975 (c. 25)...

      18. 18.Welsh language scheme

      19. 19.Supplementary powers

      20. 20.Miscellaneous

      21. 21.In the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (c. 36)—

      22. 22.Financial year

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Persons whose functions are subject to review under section 3

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Persons whose arrangements are subject to review under section 5

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Minor and consequential amendments

      1. 1.Care Standards Act 2000 (c. 14)

      2. 2.Public Services Ombudsman (Wales) Act 2005 (c. 10)