  1. Introductory Text

  2. Part 1 General provision about radio spectrum

    1. Radio spectrum functions of OFCOM

      1. 1.General functions

      2. 2.United Kingdom Plan for Frequency Authorisation

      3. 3.Duties of OFCOM when carrying out functions

      4. 4.Advisory service in relation to interference

      5. 5.Directions of Secretary of State

      6. 6.Procedure for directions

    2. Reservation of spectrum for multiplex use

      1. 7.Special duty in relation to television multiplexes

  3. Part 2 Regulation of radio spectrum

    1. Chapter 1 Wireless telegraphy licences

      1. Licensing of wireless telegraphy

        1. 8.Licences and exemptions

        2. 9.Terms, provisions and limitations

        3. 10.Procedure

        4. 11.Surrender of licence

      2. Charges etc

        1. 12.Charges for grant of licence

        2. 13.Matters taken into account

        3. 14.Bidding for licences

        4. 15.Recovery

        5. 16.Regulations

        6. 17.Sections 12 to 16: interpretation

    2. Chapter 2 Grants of recognised spectrum access

      1. Making of grants

        1. 18.Grant of recognised spectrum access

        2. 19.Procedure

        3. 20.Effect of grant of recognised spectrum access

      2. Charges etc

        1. 21.Charges for grant of recognised spectrum access

        2. 22.Matters taken into account

        3. 23.Bidding for grants

        4. 24.Recovery

        5. 25.Regulations

        6. 26.Sections 21 to 25: interpretation

    3. Chapter 3 Management of radio spectrum

      1. General

        1. 27.Conversion into and from wireless telegraphy licences

        2. 28.Payments by the Crown

        3. 29.Limitations on authorised spectrum use

        4. 30.Spectrum trading

      2. Wireless telegraphy register

        1. 31.Wireless telegraphy register

      3. Statistical information

        1. 32.Statistical information

        2. 33.Failure to provide information etc

        3. 34.Statement of policy

    4. Chapter 4 Enforcement

      1. Unauthorised use etc

        1. 35.Unauthorised use etc of wireless telegraphy station or apparatus

        2. 36.Keeping available for unauthorised use

        3. 37.Allowing premises to be used for unlawful broadcasting

        4. 38.Facilitating unauthorised broadcasting

      2. Procedures for contraventions

        1. 39.Contravention of terms, etc

        2. 40.Repeated contravention

        3. 41.Procedure for prosecutions

        4. 42.Special procedure for contraventions by multiplex licence holders

        5. 43.Amount of penalty under section 42

        6. 44.Relevant amount of gross revenue

    5. Chapter 5 Miscellaneous

      1. Regulations about wireless telegraphy

        1. 45.Regulations

        2. 46.Offences

      2. Misuse of wireless telegraphy

        1. 47.Misleading messages

        2. 48.Interception and disclosure of messages

        3. 49.Interception authorities

      3. Miscellaneous

        1. 50.Apparatus on foreign-registered ships etc

        2. 51.Apparatus in vehicles

        3. 52.Wireless personnel

        4. 53.Surrender of authority

  4. Part 3 Regulation of apparatus

    1. Undue interference

      1. 54.Regulations about use and sale etc of apparatus

      2. 55.Enforcement: use of apparatus

      3. 56.Enforcement: sale etc of apparatus

      4. 57.Appeal against notice under section 55 or 56 etc

      5. 58.Contravening notice under section 55 or 56

      6. 59.Entry and search of premises etc

      7. 60.Obstruction and failure to assist

      8. 61.Sections 54 to 60: interpretation

    2. Restriction orders

      1. 62.Restriction orders

      2. 63.Authorities

      3. 64.Compatibility with international obligations

      4. 65.Powers of Commissioners for Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs

      5. 66.Offences

      6. 67.Restriction orders: interpretation

    3. Deliberate interference

      1. 68.Deliberate interference

  5. Part 4 Approval of apparatus etc

    1. Approval of apparatus

      1. 69.Approval of apparatus

      2. 70.Approvals: supplementary

      3. 71.The relevant authority

    2. Marking etc of apparatus

      1. 72.Information etc on or with apparatus

      2. 73.Information etc in advertisements

      3. 74.Offences

      4. 75.Default of third person

    3. Interpretation

      1. 76.Part 4: interpretation

  6. Part 5 Prohibition of broadcasting from sea or air

    1. Prohibitions

      1. 77.Broadcasting from ships and aircraft

      2. 78.Broadcasting from marine structures etc

      3. 79.Broadcasting from prescribed areas of high seas

      4. 80.Acts connected with broadcasting

      5. 81.Management of station

      6. 82.Facilitating broadcasting from ships or aircraft

      7. 83.Facilitating broadcasting from structures etc

      8. 84.Maintaining or repairing apparatus

      9. 85.Acts relating to broadcast material

      10. 86.Facilitation offences: territorial scope

      11. 87.Procuring person to commit offence abroad

    2. Enforcement

      1. 88.Enforcement officers

      2. 89.Enforcement powers

      3. 90.Enforcement powers: facilitation offences

      4. 91.Exercise of powers

      5. 92.Further provisions

    3. Penalties and proceedings

      1. 93.Penalties and proceedings

    4. Saving

      1. 94.Saving for certain broadcasts

    5. Interpretation

      1. 95.Part 5: interpretation

  7. Part 6 General

    1. Fixed penalties

      1. 96.Fixed penalties for summary offences

    2. Entry, search and seizure

      1. 97.Powers of entry and search

      2. 98.Obstruction and failure to assist

      3. 99.Powers of seizure

      4. 100.Obstruction

    3. Disposal and forfeiture

      1. 101.Detention and disposal of property

      2. 102.Section 101: conclusion of proceedings

      3. 103.Forfeiture on conviction

      4. 104.Forfeiture etc of restricted apparatus

    4. Enforcement, proceedings etc

      1. 105.Offences relating to ships or aircraft

      2. 106.Continuing offences

      3. 107.Proceedings and enforcement

      4. 108.Civil proceedings

      5. 109.Fines in Scotland

      6. 110.Criminal liability of company directors etc

    5. Disclosure of information

      1. 111.General restrictions

    6. Notifications etc and electronic working

      1. 112.Service of documents

      2. 113.Documents in electronic form

      3. 114.Timing and location of things done electronically

    7. Interpretation

      1. 115.General interpretation

      2. 116.“Wireless telegraphy”

      3. 117.“Wireless telegraphy apparatus” and “wireless telegraphy station”

    8. Extent and application

      1. 118.Extent

      2. 119.Territorial application

      3. 120.Territorial sea and other waters

    9. Supplemental

      1. 121.Orders and regulations made by Secretary of State

      2. 122.Orders and regulations made by OFCOM

      3. 123.Consequential amendments

      4. 124.Transitional provisions, savings and transitory modifications

      5. 125.Repeals and revocations

      6. 126.Short title and commencement


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Procedure for wireless telegraphy licences

      1. 1.General procedure for applications

      2. 2.Time limits

      3. 3.Information to be provided in connection with applications

      4. 4.Proposed refusal

      5. 5.Duration

      6. 6.Revocation or variation

      7. 7.Notification of proposed revocation or variation

      8. 8.Restriction on powers of revocation and variation

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Procedure for grants of recognised spectrum access

      1. 1.General procedure for applications

      2. 2.Information to be provided in connection with applications

      3. 3.Notice of proposed refusal of application

      4. 4.Duration of grant

      5. 5.Revocation or modification

      6. 6.Notice of proposed revocation or modification

      7. 7.Restriction on powers of revocation and modification

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Suspension and revocation of authorities issued to wireless personnel

      1. 1.Notice of suspension

      2. 2.Reference to advisory committee

      3. 3.Decision by Secretary of State

      4. 4.Payment of expenses

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Fixed penalties

      1. 1.Offences to which this Schedule applies

      2. 2.Fixed penalties and fixed penalty notices

      3. 3.Issuing of fixed penalty notice

      4. 4.Content of fixed penalty notice

      5. 5.Withdrawal of fixed penalty notice

      6. 6.Notification to person to whom payment is to be made

      7. 7.Effect of fixed penalty notice

      8. 8.Payment of fixed penalty

      9. 9.Effect of payment

      10. 10.Service of statement and proof of service

      11. 11.Certificate about payment

      12. 12.Regulations

      13. 13.Interpretation

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Forfeiture on conviction

      1. 1.Power to order forfeiture

      2. 2.Forfeiture in relation to restricted apparatus

      3. 3.Property of third parties

      4. 4.Disposal of apparatus

      5. 5.Delivery to OFCOM

      6. 6.Provisions as to disposal of property disapplied

      7. 7.Provisions as to deprivation of property disapplied

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Seizure and forfeiture of restricted apparatus

      1. 1.Application of Schedule

      2. 2.Notice of seizure

      3. 3.Notice of claim

      4. 4.(1) A notice of claim must be given within one...

      5. 5.Condemnation

      6. 6.(1) Where a notice of claim in respect of the...

      7. 7.Where the restricted apparatus is condemned or taken to have...

      8. 8.Proceedings for condemnation by court

      9. 9.Proceedings for the condemnation of restricted apparatus instituted in a...

      10. 10.(1) In proceedings for condemnation that are instituted in England...

      11. 11.(1) In the case of proceedings for condemnation instituted in...

      12. 12.Where an appeal has been made (whether by case stated...

      13. 13.Disposal of unclaimed property

      14. 14.Provisions as to proof

      15. 15.In any proceedings, the condemnation by a court of restricted...

      16. 16.Special provisions as to certain claimants

      17. 17.Saving for owner’s rights

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Consequential amendments

      1. 1.Defamation Act (Northern Ireland) 1955 (c. 11 (N.I.))

      2. 2.Wireless Telegraphy Act 1967 (c. 72)

      3. 3.Theatres Act 1968 (c. 54)

      4. 4.Port of London Act 1968 (c. xxxii)

      5. 5.Local Government Act 1972 (c. 70)

      6. 6.Thames Barrier and Flood Prevention Act 1972 (c. xlv)

      7. 7.Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information Systems) Act 1989 (c. 22)

      8. 8.Police and Criminal Evidence (Northern Ireland) Order 1989 (S.I. 1989/1341 (N.I. 12))

      9. 9.Broadcasting Act 1990 (c. 42)

      10. 10.In section 3 (licences under Part 1 of that Act)...

      11. 11.In section 86 (licences under Part 3 of that Act)...

      12. 12.(1) Section 89 (offences giving rise to disqualification) is amended...

      13. 13.In section 202 (general interpretation) in subsection (1), for the...

      14. 14.Intelligence Services Act 1994 (c. 13)

      15. 15.Merchant Shipping Act 1995 (c. 21)

      16. 16.Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act 1995 (c. 46)

      17. 17.Broadcasting Act 1996 (c. 55)

      18. 18.In section 42 of that Act (licences under Part 2...

      19. 19.Police Act 1997 (c. 50)

      20. 20.Terrorism Act 2000 (c. 11)

      21. 21.Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (c. 23)

      22. 22.(1) Section 3 (lawful interception without an interception warrant) is...

      23. 23.In section 18 (exceptions to section 17) in subsection (12)(c),...

      24. 24.In section 81 (general interpretation) in subsection (1), in the...

      25. 25.Communications Act 2003 (c. 21)

      26. 26.In section 14 (consumer research) in subsection (2), for “the...

      27. 27.In section 190 (resolution of disputes referred to OFCOM) in...

      28. 28.In section 192(1) (appeals: decisions subject to appeal)—

      29. 29.In section 364 (TV licences) in subsection (2)(f), for “the...

      30. 30.In section 366 (powers to enforce TV licensing) in subsection...

      31. 31.In section 393 (general restrictions on disclosure of information) in...

      32. 32.In section 400 (destination of licence fees and penalties), in...

      33. 33.(1) Section 401 (power of OFCOM to retain costs of...

      34. 34.(1) Section 405 (general interpretation) is amended as follows.

      35. 35.In section 410 (application of enactments to territorial sea and...

      36. 36.In Schedule 8 (decisions not subject to civil appeal), omit...

      37. 37.Income Tax (Trading and Other Income) Act 2005 (c. 5)

      38. 38.Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005 (c. 11)

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Transitional provisions, savings and transitory modifications

      1. Part 1 Transitional provisions and savings

        1. 1.General provisions

        2. 2.Anything done, or having effect as if done, under or...

        3. 3.A reference (express or implied) in this Act or another...

        4. 4.(1) A reference (express or implied) in an enactment, or...

        5. 5.Paragraphs 1 to 4 have effect in place of section...

        6. 6.Paragraphs 2 and 4(1) do not apply to an Order...

        7. 7.General rule for old savings

        8. 8.Use of existing forms etc

        9. 9.Regulatory Reform Act 2001 (c. 6)

        10. 10.Contracted-out functions under section 1 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949

        11. 11.Wireless telegraphy licences granted before 18th June 1998

        12. 12.Procedures treated as prescribed by regulations made by OFCOM

        13. 13.Tribunal established under section 9 of the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1949

        14. 14.References to Postmaster General etc

        15. 15.Procedure for prosecutions

        16. 16.Penalties for certain offences triable either way

        17. 17.Penalties for offences: unauthorised use of wireless telegraphy station etc

        18. 18.In relation to an offence committed on or after 18th...

        19. 19.Penalties for offences: contravening notice under section 55 or 56

        20. 20.Fixed penalties for wireless telegraphy offences

        21. 21.Powers of seizure

        22. 22.Forfeiture etc of restricted apparatus

        23. 23.Appeals of wireless telegraphy decisions

        24. 24.Orders in Council: section 118

        25. 25.Orders in Council: continental shelf

      2. Part 2 Transitory modifications

        1. 26.Justice (Northern Ireland) Act 2002 (c. 26)

        2. 27.Communications Act 2003 (c. 21)

        3. 28.Power to make transitional provision

        4. 29.Saving for old transitional provisions

    9. SCHEDULE 9

      Repeals and revocations

      1. Part 1 Repeals

      2. Part 2 Revocations