Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006
2006 CHAPTER 38
Commentary on Sections
Part 1: Alcohol-related violence and disorder
Chapter 3: Other provisions
Section 26: Designated public places
206.This section amends section 14 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 regarding places which cannot be designated public places. Designated public places are places where a restriction on public drinking can be applied by means of a designated public place order, or DPPO.
207.Subsection (2)(a) and (b) amends section 14(1) to ensure that premises that have a premises licence or club premises certificate as defined under the Licensing Act 2003 for the sale or supply of alcohol cannot be designated by a DPPO. This continues the existing position that licensed premises should not be subject to DPPOs, as they are already subject to the requirements of the licensing regime in the 2003 Act.
208.Subsection (3) inserts new subsections (1A), (1B) and (1C) into section 14 which deal with the special case of premises for which local authorities are responsible. The amendments will ensure that where a local authority holds a premises licence, or premises for which there is a premises licence are occupied or managed by or on behalf of the Authority. A DPPO will only be excluded from applying to those premises at times when alcohol is actually being sold or supplied and for another 30 minutes thereafter. Subsection (2)(c) replaces the previous 20 minutes’ grace or wind-down period for all licensed premises with the slightly longer period of 30 minutes. Henceforth, the wind-down period will be the same for all premises, regardless of whether they are occupied or managed by a local authority: an existing DPPO will become operative once this period has elapsed.
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