Part 2Health service bodies

F1CHAPTER A2Clinical commissioning groups

F2Performance assessment of clinical commissioning groups

14Z16Performance assessment of clinical commissioning groups


The Board must conduct a performance assessment of each clinical commissioning group in respect of each financial year.


A performance assessment is an assessment of how well the clinical commissioning group has discharged its functions during that year.


The assessment must, in particular, include an assessment of how well the group has discharged its duties under—


sections 14R, 14T, 14W and 14Z2,


sections 223H to 223J, and


section 116B(1) of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (duty to have regard to assessments and strategies).


In conducting a performance assessment, the Board must consult each relevant Health and Wellbeing Board as to its views on the clinical commissioning group's contribution to the delivery of any joint health and wellbeing strategy to which the group was required to have regard under section 116B(1)(b) of that Act of 2007.


The Board must, in particular, have regard to—


any document published by the Secretary of State for the purposes of this section, and


any guidance published under section 14Z8.


The Board must publish a report in respect of each financial year containing a summary of the results of each performance assessment conducted by the Board in respect of that year.