Part 4 E+WMedical services

Local Medical CommitteesE+W

54Local Medical CommitteesE+W

(1)A Local Health Board may recognise a committee formed for its area, or for its area and that of one or more other Local Health Boards, which it is satisfied is representative of—

(a)the persons to whom subsection (2) applies, and

(b)the persons to whom subsection (3) applies.

(2)This subsection applies to—

(a)each medical practitioner who, under a general medical services contract entered into by him, is providing primary medical services in the area for which the committee is formed, and

(b)each medical practitioner who is providing general ophthalmic services in that area.

(3)This subsection applies to each other medical practitioner—

(a)who is performing primary medical services in the area for which the committee is formed—

(i)pursuant to section 41(2)(a),

(ii)in accordance with section 50 arrangements, or

(iii)under a general medical services contract, and

(b)who has notified the Local Health Board that he wishes to be represented by the committee (and has not notified it that he wishes to cease to be so represented).

(4)A committee recognised under this section is called the Local Medical Committee for the area for which it is formed.

(5)Any such committee may delegate any of its functions, with or without restrictions or conditions, to sub-committees composed of members of that committee.

(6)Regulations may require a Local Health Board, in the exercise of its functions relating to primary medical services, to consult any committee recognised by it under this section on such occasions and to such extent as may be prescribed.

(7)A committee recognised under this section has such other functions as may be prescribed.

(8)A committee recognised under this section must in respect of each year determine—

(a)the amount of its administrative expenses for that year attributable to persons of whom it is representative under subsection (1)(a), and

(b)the amount of its administrative expenses for that year attributable to persons of whom it is representative under subsection (1)(b).

(9)A Local Health Board may—

(a)on the request of a committee recognised by it, allot to that committee such sums for defraying the expenses referred to in subsection (8)(a) as the Local Health Board may determine, and

(b)deduct the amount of such sums from the remuneration of persons of whom the committee is representative under subsection (1)(a) under the general medical services contracts, or arrangements under section 71, entered into by those persons with the Local Health Board.

(10)A committee recognised under this section must apportion the amount determined by it under subsection (8)(b) among the persons of whom it is representative under subsection (1)(b); and each such person must pay in accordance with the committee's directions the amount so apportioned to him.

(11)The administrative expenses of a committee include the travelling and subsistence allowances payable to its members.