Part 3A company's constitution

Chapter 3Resolutions and agreements affecting a company's constitution

29Resolutions and agreements affecting a company's constitution


This Chapter applies to—


any special resolution;


any resolution or agreement agreed to by all the members of a company that, if not so agreed to, would not have been effective for its purpose unless passed as a special resolution;


any resolution or agreement agreed to by all the members of a class of shareholders that, if not so agreed to, would not have been effective for its purpose unless passed by some particular majority or otherwise in some particular manner;


any resolution or agreement that effectively binds all members of a class of shareholders though not agreed to by all those members;


any other resolution or agreement to which this Chapter applies by virtue of any enactment.


References in subsection (1) to a member of a company, or of a class of members of a company, do not include the company itself where it is such a member by virtue only of its holding shares as treasury shares.