Section 47: Particulars to be included in vehicles register
181.This section amends VERA to allow the particulars to be included in the register of vehicles held by the DVLA and DVLNI to be prescribed by regulations and such particulars may relate to the vehicle itself or its keeper. The provision of these particulars can be required of a person before being issued with a vehicle licence. These particulars can also be required of a vehicle keeper (not just of a buyer or seller as currently) and the providing of these particulars may be required at any time. The issue of a registration document may be refused if these particulars are not provided.
182.The present intention is to make regulations listing the information (relating both to the vehicle and its keeper) required for the DVLA and DVLNI vehicle registers and this will include the particulars currently held. This information will also include the odometer reading (recorded mileage) of the vehicle where it is fitted with such a device and the keeper's date of birth.