Public transport

7Provision of public passenger transport services


The Assembly may secure the provision of any public passenger transport services which it considers appropriate for the purpose of meeting any public transport requirements within Wales which would not in its view otherwise be met.


In exercising its power under subsection (1) the Assembly must have regard to—


a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness,


the Wales Transport Strategy, and


the transport needs of members of the public who are elderly or disabled.


For the purpose of securing the provision of a service under subsection (1) the Assembly may enter into agreements providing for service subsidies.


But the Assembly may not enter into an agreement under subsection (3) unless the service in question would not be provided F1, or would not be provided to a particular standard, without a subsidy.


The reference in subsection (4) to the standard to which a service is provided includes—


the frequency or timing of the service;


the days, or times of day, when the service is provided;


the vehicles used to provide the service.


Public passenger transport services” means all those services on which members of the public rely for getting from place to place, when not relying on private facilities of their own, including school transport but not including—


services provided under permits under section 19 of the Transport Act 1985 (c. 67) (permits in relation to use of buses by educational and other bodies) other than services provided wholly or mainly to meet the needs of members of the public who are elderly or disabled;


excursions or tours.


Agreements providing for service subsidies” are agreements under which any person undertakes to provide public passenger transport services of any description on terms which include provision for the making of payments to that person by the Assembly.


Excursion or tour” has the meaning given in section 137(1) of the Transport Act 1985 (c. 67).