Explanatory Notes

Mental Health Act 2007

2007 CHAPTER 12

19 July 2007


Part 1 – Amendments to Mental Health Act 1983

Chapter 4 – Supervised Community Treatment

107.The supervised community treatment (SCT) provisions will allow some patients with a mental disorder to live in the community whilst still being subject to powers under the 1983 Act. Only those patients who are detained in hospital for treatment will be eligible to be considered for SCT. In order for a patient to be placed on SCT, various criteria need to be met. An AMHP also needs to agree that SCT is appropriate. Patients who are on SCT will be subject to conditions whilst living in the community. Most conditions will depend on individual circumstances but must be for the purpose of ensuring the patient receives medical treatment, or to prevent risk of harm to the patient or others. Such conditions will form part of the patient’s community treatment order (CTO) which is made by the RC. Patients on SCT may be recalled to hospital for treatment should this become necessary. Afterwards they may then resume living in the community or, if they need to be treated as an in-patient again, their RC may revoke the CTO and the patient will remain in hospital for the time being.

108.SCT differs from after-care under supervision, which it will replace, in that it will allow patients who do not need to continue receiving treatment in hospital to be discharged into the community, but with powers of recall to hospital if necessary. It is different from leave of absence under section 17 of the 1983 Act, which remains suitable for a patient as a means to give shorter term leave from hospital as part of the patient’s overall management as a hospital patient.