Offender Management Act 2007 Explanatory Notes

Commentary on Sections

Part 2: Prisons

Section 19: Powers of director of a contracted out prison

103.This section removes the prohibition in section 85(3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 that prevents a director in a contracted-out prison from exercising certain adjudication and segregation functions. The effect of this amendment is that a director, rather than a controller (who is employed by the Ministry of Justice and currently exercises the functions in question) will be able to inquire into a disciplinary charge laid against a prisoner, conduct the hearing of a charge or make an award in respect of any charge. All such proceedings will take place in accordance with the Prison Rules or the Young Offender Institution Rules, as appropriate. By virtue of the amendments made by this section a director will also be able to segregate prisoners, temporarily confine prisoners or apply special controls or restraints on a routine basis. At present, these powers are available to a director only in an emergency.

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