Greater London Authority Act 2007
2007 CHAPTER 24
Part 8: Environmental Functions
Section 38: London Waste and Recycling Board
95.This section inserts into the GLA Act 1999 two new sections (sections 356A and 356B) which establish a London Waste and Recycling Board (“the Board”). The Board’s objectives are to promote within Greater London: the production of less waste; an increase in the proportion of waste which is re-used or recycled and the use of methods of collection, treatment and disposal of waste which are beneficial to the environment.
96.The Board can give financial assistance and provide advice in order to fulfil its objectives. In particular it may provide financial assistance in order to help provide waste facilities; undertake research into new technologies or techniques for the collection, treatment or disposal of waste; and assist London Boroughs and the City of London in their waste functions. The Board will have to act in accordance with the Mayor’s Municipal Waste Management Strategy and in general conformity with the London Plan.
97.Supplemental provision on the nature of the Board is laid out in section 356B. In particular it allows the Secretary of State, by order, to determine the Board’s constitution and membership. The number of members must be between 7 and 13. The Secretary of State may pay grants to the Board on such conditions as he may determine.
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