Explanatory Notes

Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007

2007 CHAPTER 28

30 October 2007

Commentary on Sections

Part 4: Parishes


Chapter 3: Reorganisation
Key terms used
Section 79: Community governance reviews

192.This section defines a community governance review as a review of the whole or part of the area of a principal council for the purpose of making recommendations of the kind set out in sections 93 to 98. It requires the council to comply with the provisions in the Act relating to community governance reviews and with the terms of reference of the review.

193.In a two-tier area, a principal council must notify the county council that a community governance review is being conducted and of the terms of reference of the review including any modification of those terms.

Section 80: Community governance petitions

194.This section provides for local government electors to petition their principal council to conduct a community governance review.

195.To be valid, a community governance petition must meet the conditions in section 82 (3) to (6) as far as they are applicable. These include conditions about the number of local government electors who must sign the petition, the area that petitioners wish to see considered as part of a review and the specifying of recommendations which the petitioners wish a community governance review to consider making.

Section 81: Terms of reference of review

196.This section allows for a principal council to determine the terms of reference under which a community governance review must be undertaken and requires the terms of reference to specify the area under review. A principal council must publicise the terms of reference.