Part 3: Reserved Legal Activities
Section 12: Meaning of “reserved legal activities” and “legal activity”
Section 13: Entitlement to carry on a reserved legal activity
Section 14: Offence to carry on a reserved legal activity if not entitled
Section 15: Carrying on of a reserved legal activity: employers and employees
Section 16: Offence to carry on a reserved legal activity through person not entitled
Section 20: Approved regulators and relevant approved regulators
Section 22: Continuity of existing rights to carry on reserved legal activities
Section 23: Transitional protection for non-commercial bodies
Section 25: Provisional designation as approved regulators and licensing authorities
Section 26: Recommendations that activities should cease to be reserved legal activities
Part 4: Regulation of Approved Regulators
Section 27: Regulatory and representative functions of approved regulators
Section 28: Approved regulator’s duty to promote the regulatory objectives
Section 29: Prohibition on the Board interfering with representative functions
Section 30: Rules relating to the exercise of regulatory functions
Section 45: Cancellation of designation as approved regulator
Section 46: Cancellation of a designation: further provision
Section 47: The Board’s power to recommend orders made under section 46
Section 51: Control of practising fees charged by approved regulators
Section 53: Modification of provision made about regulatory conflict
Section 54: Regulatory conflict with other regulatory regimes
Section 59: Referral of report by the Lord Chancellor to the Competition Commission
Section 64: Modification of the Board’s functions under section 62(1)(b)
Section 65: Cancellation of the Board’s designation under section 62(1)(c)
Section 66: The Board’s power to recommend orders made under section 62
Section 68: Regulatory conflict and the Board as approved regulator
Section 69: Modification of the functions of approved regulators
Section 70: Procedural requirements relating to recommendations under section 69
Part 5: Alternative Business Structures
Section 73: Licensing authorities and relevant licensing authorities
Section 74: Designation of approved regulator as licensing authority
Section 75: Automatic cancellation of designation as licensing authority
Section 76: Cancellation of designation as licensing authority by order
Section 78: The Board’s power to recommend orders made under section 77
Section 81: Procedural requirements relating to recommendations under section 80
Section 103: Regulatory conflict and the Board as licensing authority
Section 104: Prevention of regulatory conflict: accounts rules
Section 106: Power to modify application of licensing rules to special bodies
Complaints Handling – the new system
Section 122: Appointment of Chief Ombudsman and assistant ombudsmen
Section 126: Complaints excluded because respondent’s complaints procedures not used
Section 138: Limitation on value of directions under the ombudsman scheme
Section 141: Enforcement by complainant of directions under section 137
Section 142: Reporting court orders made against authorised persons
Section 143: Reporting possible misconduct to approved regulators
Section 145: Duties of authorised persons to co-operate with investigations
Section 146: Reporting failures to co-operate with an investigation to approved regulators
Section 148: Reporting failures to provide information or produce documents
Section 149: Enforcement of requirements to provide information or produce documents
Section 157: Approved regulators not to make provision for redress
Section 158: Regulatory arrangements not prohibited by section 157
Section 159: Legal Services Complaints Commissioner and Legal Services Ombudsman
Section 161: Extension of Part 6 to claims management services
Part 7: Further Provisions Relating to the Board and the Olc
Part 8: Miscellaneous and General Provisions about Lawyers
Section 177: The Law Society, solicitors, recognised bodies and foreign lawyers
Section 178: The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal: approval of rules
Section 179: Board’s power to give directions to the Tribunal
Section 181: Unqualified person not to pretend to be a barrister
Section 186: Immigration advisers and immigration service providers
Section 191: Rights of audience of employees of housing management bodies
Section 192: Powers of court in respect of rights of audience and conduct litigation
Section 193: Solicitors to public departments and the City of London
Section 195: Application of the Legal Profession and Legal Aid (Scotland) Act 2007