Part 8 U.K.Other reliefs

Chapter 2U.K.Gift aid

Admission rightsU.K.

420Disregard of certain admission rightsU.K.

(1)A benefit associated with a gift is ignored for the purposes of this Chapter if the benefit consists of a relevant right of admission.

(2)Right of admission” means a right which—

(a)benefits the individual who makes the gift or that individual and one or more members of that individual's family (whether or not the right must be exercised by all of them at the same time),

(b)authorises admission to premises or property to which the public are admitted on payment of an admission fee, and

(c)authorises admission to those premises or that property without payment of the admission fee or on payment of a reduced fee.

(3)A right of admission is a relevant right of admission if—

(a)conditions A and B are met in relation to it, and

(b)either condition C or condition D is met in relation to it.

(4)Condition A is that the opportunity to make a gift and to receive the right of admission in consequence is available to the public.

(5)Condition B is that the right of admission is a right granted by the charity for the purpose of viewing property preserved, maintained, kept or created by a charity for its charitable purposes.

(6)The property mentioned in subsection (5) includes, in particular—


(b)grounds or other land,



(e)works of art (but not performances),

(f)artefacts, and

(g)property of a scientific nature.

(7)Condition C is that the right of admission applies, during a period of at least 12 months, at all times at which the public can obtain admission.

(8)Condition D is that—

(a)a member of the public could purchase the same right of admission, and

(b)the amount of the gift is greater by at least 10% than the amount the member of the public would have to pay.

(9)This section needs to be read with section 421.