UK Borders Act 2007

  1. Introductory Text

  2. Detention at ports

    1. 1.Designated immigration officers

    2. 2.Detention

    3. 3.Enforcement

    4. 4.Interpretation: “port”

  3. Biometric registration

    1. 5.Registration regulations

    2. 6.Regulations: supplemental

    3. 7.Effect of non-compliance

    4. 8.Use and retention of biometric information

    5. 9.Penalty

    6. 10.Penalty: objection

    7. 11.Penalty: appeal

    8. 12.Penalty: enforcement

    9. 13.Penalty: code of practice

    10. 14.Penalty: prescribed matters

    11. 15.Interpretation

  4. Treatment of claimants

    1. 16.Conditional leave to enter or remain

    2. 17.Support for failed asylum-seekers

    3. 18.Support for asylum-seekers: enforcement

    4. 19.Points-based applications: no new evidence on appeal

    5. 20.Fees

    6. 21.Children

  5. Enforcement

    1. 22.Assaulting an immigration officer: offence

    2. 23.Assaulting an immigration officer: powers of arrest, &c.

    3. 24. Exercise of civil recovery powers by immigration officers

    4. 25.Forfeiture of detained property

    5. 26.Disposal of property

    6. 27.Employment: arrest

    7. 28.Employment: search for personnel records

    8. 29.Facilitation: arrival and entry

    9. 30.Facilitation: territorial application

    10. 31.People trafficking

  6. Deportation of criminals

    1. 32.Automatic deportation

    2. 33.Exceptions

    3. 34.Timing

    4. 35.Appeal

    5. 36.Detention

    6. 37.Family

    7. 38.Interpretation

    8. 39.Consequential amendments

  7. Information

    1. 40.Supply of Revenue and Customs information

    2. 41.Confidentiality

    3. 41A. Supply of information to UK Border Agency

    4. 41B. UK Border Agency: onward disclosure

    5. 42.Wrongful disclosure

    6. 43.Supply of police information, etc.

    7. 43A.Requirement to state nationality

    8. 43B.Offence of not giving nationality

    9. 44.Search for evidence of nationality

    10. 45.Search for evidence of nationality: other premises

    11. 46.Seizure of nationality documents

    12. 46A.Requirement to produce nationality document

    13. 46B.Retention of nationality document etc

    14. 46C.Offence of failing to produce nationality document

    15. 47.Police civilians

  8. Border and Immigration Inspectorate

    1. 48.Establishment

    2. 49.Chief Inspector: supplemental

    3. 50.Reports

    4. 51.Plans

    5. 52.Relationship with other bodies: general

    6. 53.Relationship with other bodies: non-interference notices

    7. 54.Abolition of other bodies

    8. 55.Prescribed matters

    9. 56.Senior President of Tribunals

    10. 56A.No rehabilitation for certain immigration or nationality purposes

  9. General

    1. 57.Money

    2. 58.Repeals

    3. 59.Commencement

    4. 60.Extent

    5. 61.Citation

