Section 62: Medical Examinations
288.This section allows the Secretary of State and the eligible member of an appeal tribunal to refer a person to a health care professional for medical examination and report, rather than only allowing a referral to a medical practitioner. Such a reference can be made where considered necessary for the purpose of providing the Secretary of State with information for use in making a decision on entitlement to benefit or to aid the appeal tribunal’s determination of an appeal.
289.Section 62(4) also allows the eligible member of an appeal tribunal to specify the description of health care professional to whom a person is to be referred.
290.Section 62(5) inserts a definition of health care professional into section 39 of the Social Security Act 1998. It lists different types of regulated health care professions, together with a regulation-making power to add other regulated professions. Members of these professions, will, if they are approved by the Secretary of State, be health care professionals for the purposes of carrying out medical examinations.