Section 36: Entitlement of relative to apply for a residence order
146.Section 36 provides that an application for a residence order may be made by a relative, without first seeking the permission of the court, in circumstances where the child has been living with them for one year immediately prior to the application. The section inserts a new subsection (5B) in section 10 of the 1989 Act to that effect. The existing qualifying condition for relatives is that the child must have been living with them for a period of three years out of the last five years.
147.Section 113 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 amended the qualifying condition for a local authority foster carer applying for a section 8 order, including a residence order to a one year period. These sections are intended to align the position of relative carers with local authority foster carers.
148.A relative is defined in section 105 of the 1989 Act as a grandparent, brother, sister, uncle or aunt (whether of the full blood or half blood or by marriage or civil partnership) or step-parent.