Part 5Integrated Transport Authorities etc

Chapter 3Power to promote well-being

99Power to promote well-being

(1)An ITA has power to take any action if the ITA determines that doing so is likely to achieve any one or more of the following objects—

(a)the promotion or improvement of the economic well-being of its area,

(b)the promotion or improvement of the social well-being of its area,

(c)the promotion or improvement of the environmental well-being of its area.

(2)The power under subsection (1) may be exercised in relation to or for the benefit of—

(a)the whole or any part of the integrated transport area, or

(b)all or any persons resident or present in, or travelling in or through, the integrated transport area.

(3)The power under subsection (1) includes power to—

(a)incur expenditure,

(b)give financial assistance to any person,

(c)enter into arrangements or agreements with any person,

(d)co-operate with, or facilitate or co-ordinate the activities of, any person,

(e)exercise on behalf of any person any functions of that person, and

(f)provide staff, goods, services or accommodation to any person.

(4)The power under subsection (1) includes power to do anything in relation to, or for the benefit of, any person or area situated outside its area if it considers that doing so is likely to achieve any one or more of the objects in that subsection.

(5)Nothing in subsection (3) or (4) affects the generality of the power under subsection (1).

(6)Subsection (7) applies if there is, in relation to an ITA—

(a)a PTE established under section 9 of the TA 1968 for the integrated transport area of the ITA, or

(b)an executive body established by virtue of section 79(1)(a) or 84(2)(d).

(7)The ITA may delegate to the PTE or executive body its function of taking action under subsection (1) (but not the function of determining what action to take).