Local Transport Act 2008 Explanatory Notes


Part 5: Integrated Transport Authorities etc.

Section 99: Power to promote well-being

249.ITAs operate within a framework laid down by statute. They have no powers to act other than where they are expressly or impliedly authorised by law to do so. There is a range of statutory duties which they are required to fulfil, and a wider range of permissive powers enabling them to undertake defined activities if they so wish.

250.This section provides ITAs with a power to take any steps which they consider likely to promote or improve the economic, social or environmental well-being of their local community. These powers have already been granted to local authorities by means of Part 1 of the Local Government Act 2000. This section would allow ITAs to undertake a wide range of activities for the benefit of their local area and to improve the quality of life of local residents, businesses and those who commute to or visit the area.

251.Subsection (3) provides that this power enables ITAs to work in partnership with other bodies. For example, it allows ITAs to assist other statutory bodies to discharge their functions, or to exercise those functions on their behalf. Subsections (6) and (7) enable an ITA to delegate its power to take action under these well-being powers to a PTE or other executive body created by an order under this Part.

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