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Climate Change Act 2008

Part 2: The Committee on Climate Change

9.Part 2 and Schedule 1 establish a new independent non-departmental public body, the Committee on Climate Change (“the Committee”).

10.Part 2 gives the Committee duties to advise the Secretary of State on a review of the 2050 target, on the levels of carbon budgets and on the apportionment of effort between reductions in domestic emissions levels and the use of carbon units. The Committee must also advise on emissions from international aviation and international shipping and on the amount of effort to be made by sectors of the economy in trading schemes, and other sectors of the economy. The Committee is required to publish this advice as soon as reasonably practicable after giving it.

11.The Committee is also given a function of making an annual report to Parliament and the devolved legislatures on the progress that is being made towards meeting the objectives in Part 1 of the Act. After the end of each budget period, the Committee must include in its annual report its views on the way in which the budget for the period was or was not met and action taken during the period to reduce net UK emissions of targeted greenhouse gases.

12.Part 2 also gives the Committee the powers it needs to deliver its advisory and reporting functions, and the Secretary of State and the devolved administrations are given powers to make grants to the Committee and to issue guidance and directions to the Committee. Schedule 1 sets out the Committee’s constitution.

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